Yell In a War

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Yell In a War

Writer (Disney, Spotify, that one West Wing spec thread you remember from Twitter) | Endurance Rider | Bug Simp | mgmt @ Heroes and Villains 💜💙💗
I have GOT to start listening to this horse. He was fussing about someone in the neighborhood up the hill, I thought he just didn’t like them playing loud music… turns out they were on the way to setting their house on fire. (Fire is out, phew, thank you LAFD.)
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if the media could go ahead and treat this claim the way they treat Biden saying "I'm fine" - aka, as a lie that requires days on end of front page stories to debunk - that would be great we'll be over here waiting
Trump is trying to get ahead of the reality that he and the heritage foundation are working to destroy America and institute a fascist dictatorship. He is lying and expecting the media to gaslight America for him.
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The newest TikTok trend is Bombadiling, where a Gen-Zer will film themself being a merry fellow wearing a bright blue jacket and boots that are yellow.
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have you all heard of THE RADIUM GIRLS? if you haven’t, go look that up because any post i try to do won’t be enough and will get suppressed. come back when you’re done looking up THE RADIUM GIRLS okay. you done? cool. okay so Clarence Thomas wants to get rid of OSHA
At the feed store baby chick display— KID: Can we adopt one? DAD: No honey they’re gonna be happier together KID: ok… can we adopt all of them?
this route is always one where you should opt for the window seat
men on airplanes really do love to sprawl across the seat of the woman next to them and assume she’ll just shrink away to give them the space.
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There is a 7 foot tall guy behind Rishi Sunak who likely ran for office just to be able to hold a printed out L behind him during his concession speech.
may have lightly waterboarded a child who would not stop shooting me with a squirt pistol in the house and refused an offer of a truce, not sure if this makes me the mean cousin or the cousin who teaches valuable life lessons about negotiating with a more powerful opponent
if famous men could like... have sex with consenting partners roughly their own age... that would be great
someone with "fuck aspiring" in their bio just followed me on twitter and from now on this is how I will refer to virgins (except the ace ones)
companies will be like "sure we're a little disorganized but we're a *~startup~* that's why" (company has existed for 15 years)
anybody have a life hack for getting other people to actually provide the necessary context when starting a conversation I work in my teaching job with someone who CHRONICALLY just acts like I was part of the conversation she just had with someone else that I wasn't part of it is unhingeing me
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If you care about the USA, the single best thing you can do today is to contribute to a downticket race thats close. The second best thing you can do is cancel your NYT subscription and use that money for the purpose.
Those left of center needn't cede patriotism to the right. "Patriotism" can be devotion to the remarkable land and people of this country, not to the mythologies of its government. Patriotism can sound like "FUCK YEAH, YELLOWSTONE EXISTS!" or "HELL YES MUTUAL AID!" That's my Fourth of July post.
Not near me now but I’m partial to Table Mesa in my hometown So.. Table Table
What are the funniest location names near you? This question brought to you by Cape Disappointment and Deception Bay in Washington.
why, scientifically, do children NEED to scream? not babies but children, they seem truly unable to control their volume, this does not seem adaptive!
credit scores are such a scam. My FICO score is 60 points higher than my VantageScore. which one matters? ANYBODY'S GUESS! Zillow rental applications use VantageScore. Mortgages use FICO. Some landlords use a mysterious "TransUnion Resident Score" that violates the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
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I tested both the initial Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA vaccine and the first booster. I am prouder of that than anything I have ever done and have never regretted it for one second. I strongly encourage people to participate in medical testing!
Want to sign up to participate in the clinical trial for an intranasal COVID vaccine? They're taking 60 volunteers who have had at least one dose of vaccine. They're recruiting both people who've had COVID & people who haven't. Go here in for the details:
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Martha shared this pic from Chateau Ste. Michelle where she works under a UFW contract. She's pleased her union contract means she gets the day as a paid holiday. When you buy wine for your #July4 BBQ/party make it a union wine. #WeFeedYou #UnionsForAll
now I see why people pay so much for Boardwalk
a sitcom about furry cops called In Fursuit
people will say they're drinking bird flu milk on purpose "to strengthen the immune system" but won't get a vaccine to strengthen the immune system when that is LITERALLY THE SAME THING EXCEPT NOT GONNA KILL YOU
This is predictable but so important: Pasteurizing milk kills the H5N1 bird flu virus that is circulating widely in dairy cattle. It's easy to take a 150-year-old technique that has saved countless lives for granted, but don't fool around with unpasteurized dairy products. 🧪
Pasteurization Kills Bird Flu Virus in Milk, New Studies Flash pasteurization destroyed H5N1 viral particles that were highly concentrated in raw milk, confirming that standard techniques can keep dairy products safe from bird flu
diving a shipwreck to retrieve a severed marble toe from antiquity is playing "Got Your Nose" at the highest level I've ever seen achieved
New discovery: The 2024 expedition to the Antikythera wreck led to significant discoveries, including a portion of the ship’s hull. A second wreck site was confirmed, too. Around 300 objects were found, including 21 marble fragments from statues. 🏺 AncientBluesky
5 minutes into interacting with my 10yo cousin who I haven't seen in a year, he asked if I believe in God. Gen Alpha really gets right to the point, huh? Anyway now there's one more 10-year-old in the world who understands that Judaism places a greater emphasis on rightful living than faith alone