
Also worth noting that in the rare cases where someone IS transitioning without telling their parents, the parents are the reason, and informing those parents almost certainly places the child in imminent danger.
Worth noting that the 'crisis' of kids socially transitioning at school without notifying their parents was almost entirely seeded by a NYT article. Even in conservative states, this was nowhere on the legislative agenda a year ago and now it's everywhere.
Kids aren’t property They are people We need to stop assuming parents have some kind of right to rule their lives
People who support outing kids, who are clearly worried about their parents, are outing themselves as those parents.
That seems to be the goal of the conservatives here. They view children as property that they can do what they want with.
This right here. My father was one of the most homophobic assholes I've ever known in my life and I learned early on not to trust him with anything. Happily my mother is very Pro-LGBTQA+ rights and was able to run interference for me when I needed her to up until they divorced and I cut off contact.