
Please be respectful. He’s our “abnormally small hollowed-out GOP sociopath”.
Generally: Psychopaths revel in the suffering of others. Sociopaths are anti social. Which of these seem to fit the governor?
Both; along with 34-felon (separating families at the border, clearing crowds for the photoshoot with a bible, repeating Nazi phrases, idolizing Putin, Kim, Xi, pandemic response, etc.) Sick, sick, people, both of them.
If he is both, any psyche doc would label him the former, because it's by far the more dangerous. Just saying. As stated, many if not most psychopaths have multiple disorders.
I've always thought he was a pathological narcissist (& of course I'm not a professional). No matter what he is, he's very dangerous in any position that impacts others.
Malignant Narcissist is what the psychiatrists at Duty to Warn labeled him. About 20 or 30 of them. I'm not a psyche doc, and I'm certainly not arguing with them, but he has all the qualities of a psychopath. Both do.