
I’ve had over a decade to miserably marinate on an anti-democratic process in which, to my great sorrow, all my gloomiest, wildest predictions keep coming true. Despite that, I still don’t think we’re doomed or that we should give up and walk into the sea en masse.
on the record, I’ve been losing my mind with anxiety and fear over the fall of American democracy since 2013, when I noticed how similar U.S. politics was starting to sound to the kleptocracy I reported on in Cambodia. This is terrifying, but at least we know exactly the enemy’s intention are.
Oh I'm not walking into the sea by any means. If fascists want me that bad, I have some things I'll want to try out in a practical setting. The dark hued polearms in the 3rd picture are actual Scottish late medieval relics I carefully mounted on hafts. 1st pic is an old ditch blade on a long pole
They have AR-15s and bumpstocks are legal.
I don't usually put pics of my firearms up in here, but I think we are more than sufficient Bump stocks are uncontrollable nonsense for the most part except for spraying a general area
Well, kits to convert an AR-15 to full automatic are illegal but available, and I don't think people planning wholesale murder to keep their dictator in power care about legality. Also, spraying a general area is effective when collateral damage helps your cause.
I was a helicopter crew chief and door gunner in the army. I shot expert on the M60. It's hard enough to control a legitimate machine gun without factoring in an additional recoil mechanism against your own shoulder that presses the trigger multiple times a second. It's spray and pray.
It makes the weapon dangerously uncontrollable, and gun forums I've looked at in the subject generally caution against ever using one. Most battlefield rifle use is semi automatic and that's how I trained in the Army One shot, one kill. I never fired an M16 on full auto while on duty
You're a trained soldier, not a MAGAt out to terrorize a community or disperse a pro-democracy rally.
I think it's wistful thoughts about at least giving some of them tetanus?
That Hussite flail is nasty as hell. The power you get in a swing is almost shocking, and they effectively hit OVER shield walls and break bones.There's a reason they were feared even by armored knights sent on Crusades against the Huss "heretics".