Chris Geroux

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Chris Geroux

Just looking at the UK election results, and I am wondering, where all those conservative votes went. This shows a lot went to the Reform UK party. Vote share for Labour didn't increase much but they won a lot more seats.
UK election results 2024 | Constituency Get the latest news and election results in the 2024 General election from BBC News
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Today's #KidicalMassHfx ride was our hottest one yet. It was 33 degrees with the humidex when we ended the ride around 11:00am at the Shubie Park pump track. En route, we rested in shady spots while the group caught up; we shortened the ride to beat the heat (and some of the hills). 1/3
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Heat and hills and no safe infrastructure (this neighbourhood mostly doesn’t even have sidewalks), but folks still showed up for #KidicalMassHfx today in Dartmouth. Watching the littles, I am reminded that the “constraints” around cycling in Halifax are in the imaginations of the decision makers.
The reason we are failing to deal with the Climate crisis is the same reasons we are failing at traffic congestion, road deaths, housing, and cost of living. Profit motivated and funded influence of culture and policy.
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Something big has happened over the past few decades in Paris & its suburbs: Car use has declined dramatically. Some key explanations: —Large reductions in car-centric street space —Vast investments in noncar transport modes I investigate
Just had the coolest, or maybe the lamest?, idea for a video game, a Netherlands cycling simulator... I would play it :).
Reposted byAvatar Chris Geroux
Hey #KidicalMassHfx! We spent the morning scouting our July 14th ride with in Dartmouth. We’ll get the details up on our website soon, but we are pretty excited to tell you that the ride starts and ends at Shubie Park!
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There’s a group of kids on the corner selling lemonade. They yell “LEMONADE” at every passing vehicle, but the only people I have seen stop for a drink so far are on foot or bike. There is no shortage of free parking on the street. Maybe this is analogous to local business districts. 😉
My basement is 19C right now...I wish it was finished and our bed was down there
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It worked! OMG it worked! This was so fun and I think a huge success. There must have been around 100 items donated!!!! It was like an Easter egg hunt with the kids checking every doorstep for food
They're doing a food drive at our school and I just put flyers in 79 mailboxes along our walking bus route asking that folks put out a non perishable item for the kids to pick up in the morning....let's see how this goes
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I love this simple (but well planned) act of community care: made possible by kids walking to school!
It worked! OMG it worked! This was so fun and I think a huge success. There must have been around 100 items donated!!!! It was like an Easter egg hunt with the kids checking every doorstep for food
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Tips to beat the heat: 💧 Drink water 👕 Wear light and loose clothing 🏡 Stay indoors ✊ Dismantle the fossil fuel industry
We have PSA for littering, and recycling etc. what about PSAs encouraging people to drive less?
Build for the traffic you want not the traffic you have (also known as induced demand) What traffic do HRM councilors want? Lots and lots of cars.
Feeling more frustrated with our broken systems today than usual. It feels like trying to swim up stream while those with the power to reverse the flow are happy to float down stream to the detriment of everyone.
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Reposted byAvatar Chris Geroux
#KidicalMassHfx always brings a lot of feelings for me. I love seeing so many #BikeHfx friends, love connecting people, delight in seeing the kids feel empowered by riding together on the road. I feel anger that Halifax fails these kids, frustration that I can’t change things all by myself. 1/3
How much do you pay in fuel to get around Halifax? Our bike has a 545Wh battery, that we charge about every 2 days. Electricity costs $0.17703 kWh. That means I pay about $18 dollars a year to power my e-cargo bike, to take the kid to and from school, get groceries, go to work and have loads of fun.
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The most effective climate action? Voting. led an analysis that showed the emissions responsibility associated with voting, and with political donations, can be enormous
Interesting article about which provinces are dragging there feet the most on climate action and in which sectors. However, all provinces aren't moving fast enough. In NS the only sector with increasing emissions is transportation
The great Canadian climate Western Canada has a lot of explaining to do. Canada’s recently released greenhouse gas inventory shows that every western province has increased its climate pollution since 1990.
after feeling a little grumpy about noisy leaf blowers this morning.. I saw something awesome on my way home.. a law service pickup truck with a big battery in the back.. I stopped and talked to the guy for a minute..
I see a display about properly sorting your recyclables... and my mind goes.. "sure that will solve the climate crisis.. if we can just get those recyclables sorted properly everything will be fine, never mind the mega/giga tones of CO2 FF companies are emitting". Should I be pissed at that sign?
Google just told me that in April I walked 2 km (3hrs), biked 172km (42 hr), drove 142km (6hr).
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HUGE from Dharna Noor "Modeled after the Environmental Protection Agency’s Superfund program, which forces companies to pay for toxic waste cleanup, the climate superfund bill would charge major fossil fuel companies doing business within the state billions of dollars for their past emissions."
Vermont poised to become first US state to charge big oil for climate If passed, the groundbreaking measure could be a model for other states to hold fossil fuel companies liable
How are we at keeping warming below 1.5c? Not good say many experts:
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See you soon, #KidicalMassHfx! If you haven’t filled out the waiver yet, please do so before the ride. You only have to do it once for the whole season! See the link on our page: