Simon Donner

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Simon Donner

Climate scientist, writer, speaker, dragger of sand into the house. Works at UBC, serves on Canada's Net-Zero Advisory Body.
For the data oriented... the water level in the Don River (for Torontonians, the gauging station is near the Brickworks) jumped more than 3 m or 10 feet in a few hours, causing the flooding of the DVP.
My writing was also not designed for social media, as anyone who has copy edited my work will tell you (Simon, how did you miss that typo)?
The Toronto storm may be the second heaviest one day rainfall on record, behind a 2013 storm that caused severe flooding + damage. This is why we have to prevent and prepare for climate change. Our cities wsren't designed for the current or future climate.
Mayor addresses city as powerful storm brings flooding, major power outages to Toronto | CBC A severe storm has left many of Toronto's streets flooded, including the Don Valley Parkway, and hundreds of thousands of people without power.
The Toronto storm may be the second heaviest one day rainfall on record, behind a 2013 storm that caused severe flooding + damage. This is why we have to prevent and prepare for climate change. Our cities wsren't designed for the current or future climate.
Mayor addresses city as powerful storm brings flooding, major power outages to Toronto | CBC A severe storm has left many of Toronto's streets flooded, including the Don Valley Parkway, and hundreds of thousands of people without power.
The current western heat wave is remarkable and dangerous both for the record high temperatures and for the long duration. There won't be much relief until the weekend, stressing people and the power systems needed to provide cooling.
By this, I mean, when I saw the forecast I thought, wow, if I didn't know the date and location, I'd guess it was in Celsius... 50C would be an all time record for Palm Springs.
Bad news when a forecast looks like it should be in deg Farenheit, not deg Celsius. This is for Palm Springs, California today.
Bad news when a forecast looks like it should be in deg Farenheit, not deg Celsius. This is for Palm Springs, California today.
Las Vegas hit 48.6 deg C today, 120 F, an all time record. For context, the Canadian all time record set during the fatal 2021 hear some was 49.6 C, over 121 F.
Only 27 deg C, so why a heat warning you might say? Climate, and climate charge, is all about what you're adapted to. For coastal Vancouver, that's 6 deg greater than the past "normal", so many homes, buildings and local environments aren't built for it.
When it comes to climate change, we need to retire, or at least put on hiatus, the term "the new normal". This is not the new normal. Normal will keep getting warmer until we stop adding greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.
Seems relevant that if Trump wins in November, and remains in office until the end of his term, he will become the oldest president in history, beating President Biden by a few months.
Hurricanes are heat engines powered by warm ocean surface. Beryl's strength is a direct consequence of that extreme warmth in the Atlantic Ocean. It is also giving me night sweats... we did an analysis almost 20 years ago that warned climate change is making this exact type of event more common 🧵
Yes, that's my point, regardless of Biden's health, the very structure of such a debate doesn't work because the two sides follow different rules and norms. That's why I won't debate climate denialists - it is a bad way to evaluate their arguments, allows rhetoric to trump data, no pun intended.
I realize there were constraints, but Biden was the one who thought debating this criminal coup-leading bag of refuse was worth doing, *and* to do so in a serious manner as if he faced a legitimate opponent. There are severe downsides in doing so, even if Biden was at his best.
While I can't defend Biden's debate performance, we can't understate the pitfalls of debating someone with no incentive to adhere to facts or decency. Reminds of why legitimate scientists usually won't debate creationists or climate denialists. The denialists play by different rules.
Oh Canada, you warmed by 2 degrees True human cause, not the sun's command...
Oh Canada, you have warmed by roughly 2 - 2.5 degrees Celsius since 1867.
Oh Canada, you have warmed by roughly 2 - 2.5 degrees Celsius since 1867.
Beryl is a very powerful hurricane for late June, way before the height of the season. Already Category 4, with winds up to 130 mph.
Appreciate this sober response to the debate from historian Heather Cox Richardson. Perhaps we should not overreact to appearances, unfortunately I worry that nuance is lost in today's information ecosystem, and appearance is mostly all people notice.
June 27, Tonight was the first debate between President Joe Biden and presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, and by far the most striking thing about the debate was the overwhelming focus am...
There's a difference between being able to do the job and being able to tell the story. There are a lot of brilliant scientists that are poorly suited to public communication. Unfortunately, the US President has to be able to do both, and that's the problem Biden faced in the debate.
Hello folks disturbed by the debate, you can escape to Canada and work with us on cool science problems (too soon?)
Postdoc opening! 🪸 🌊 🌡️ We're looking for someone with a marine ecology or climate science PhD to work with us at UBC on the causes and effects of marine heatwaves and other climate extremes. It is an interdisciplinary job and setting:
Postdoc Opportunity: Climate Extremes and Coastal Ecosystems · Simon My research group at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada is searching for a postdoctoral researcher to participate in interdisciplinary research on ocean extreme events and their e...
President Biden has done more than any president in US history to slow climate change and shift the country towards clean energy. The Democrats need someone who can tell that story, and continue the work.
Meant to say "combat the erosion of democracy." Pardon my poor wording, this debate was so disturbing, so divorced from reality, full of Trump's blatant lies, and affected by Biden's age that it is hard to adequately respond. The world needs better.
We're living at a pivotal moment in history. We need to make transformational changes to slow climate change, deal the erosion of democracy, and manage emerging technologies like AI. I don't know what the hell I just watched.
We're living at a pivotal moment in history. We need to make transformational changes to slow climate change, deal the erosion of democracy, and manage emerging technologies like AI. I don't know what the hell I just watched.
Only one candidate completely ducked the questions about climate change, arguably the greatest challenge of the century.
The world has warmed by over 1 degree C since the candidates were born.