Chacho Rogers

Chacho Rogers

Tom, you’re arguing with what appears to be a furry knight avatar.
I guess the question is what prosecution is accomplishing. Deterrence and retributive justice aren’t really a thing when you’re talking about someone with serious mental illness. Maybe you get a dangerous person off the street for a bit, but once they’re out you’ve probably made their illness worse.
I’m not mad about it, but quote tweeting a guy and somehow still misspelling his first name is kind of hilarious.
I don’t know why you bother with these people. Anyone who is this dug in on a candidate who would turn 86 before the end of his second term just isn’t a serious person.
How long before the editorial board starts referring to the paper as “The Failing New York Times”? We’re close, right?
It’s not just that he dismisses the danger. In the very next sentence, he has the gall to assert that an entirely speculative danger (presidency cannibalizing itself) is somehow MORE LIKELY than the danger that has already manifested itself (president that believes he is above the law).
I'm a bit surprised (disappointed?) they left out instructing them not to covet thy neighbor's ass.
But how can you be a “simple country lawyer” if you never put on your best seersucker and pop into Virginia state court?
Coming in 2034: Well that didn't go well either, but have no fear! We are proud to introduce our new AI chatbot, Madison. Want to know if a firearms restriction complies with the 2nd Amendment? Just ask Madison! Stop asking us. Please.
More like "You come after me, I'll commence lecturing you about the follies of mutual assured destruction during the cold war and beyond until you either fall asleep or run away screaming."
Did the associate you had do all the trial prep while you were galavanting through Iceland key your car yet?
But you did produce The Green Book, right? At first blush this seems like an (exceedingly rare) example of pop culture references used appropriately in a legal opinion, but the Taylor Swift reference a couple sentences earlier is forced and a bit cringey. What's the overall verdict?
ManBearPig is a real problem, Ken. Even if you find him insufferable, cheap shots at Al Gore aren’t helpful.
End of feed.