
tbh one of the things that most terrifies me about the rabid anti intellectual religious extremist anti-science right wing in my country is that I fear they will mostly end this kind of scientific endeavor as well as choke off the educational system that produces the people who make it happen
It’s definitely a worry. Why have science when you can pray it away?
They so want to blame people for misfortune, rather than repair and heal. For themselves, of course, a flight somewhere they can get what they need.
The just world fallacy has entered the chat
It's funny, isn't it, how if it happens to them then it isn't what they deserve. It's only those bad people who deserve it.
Aaaaaaall of this. All of it. I am so scared of the lack of rigor and precision (and facts, in many places) in the educational system.
Not just the US. This sort of thing is becoming more and more common in France and Europe. And our « Rational » wing is so sure of itself (country of enlightenment blah dih blah) that I’m afraid we’re going to be run over without realising what’s happening.
the anti science, anti infrastructure, anti medicine element truly puzzles me. Maybe some people just take their conveniences so for granted that they don't realize they took work to develop and take work to maintain. I just don't know.
What’s disheartening is the two pronged attack: the “establishment” thinks science is non productive, so should be treated like a startup; and “the masses” think scientists / professionals are entitled jerks whose opinions are “just theories”
Part of it is our own fault: scientific literacy (in France at least) is going down the drain at an appalling rate. I taught maths for two years to 14 y.o and it was really hard to see the active rejection of basic scientific facts & attitudes.
It's that cats and libertarians quote both: absolutely convinced of their fierce independence while utterly dependent a system they don't appreciate or understand.😂
Cuba has had a lung cancer vaccine for years. Do we still love our foreign policy?
For some types of liver cancer, if I recall correctly. And not even all of them. It's really cool that they have it, but it doesn't fix everything.
Even if they have a lung cancer vaccine, I guarantee you it doesn't cover all of the lung cancers.
Is great news. But also needs to be viewed carefully. They didn't test it against other current cancer drugs, they tested it against an earlier version of their own drug which is no longer on the market.
Does this mean I can start smoking cigarettes again?
Almost got my hopes up. Great news for those with NSC lung cancer with ALK rearrangement (the driver with the most treatment options already), not so much for folks with any of the other genetic drivers (like me). Latest chart on 1st & 2nd line treatment options per driver:
Sorry to hear that. But did you see the piece I posted the other day about the cancer vaccine being trialled among NHS patients in the UK? Described as a game changer.
Thanks! Just read it. Concept sounds promising. Curious to see if it proves effective (or is even being considered) for more than post-surgical patients (mine's non-resectable), and how quickly trials move forward this side of the pond. Adding to the list of things to discuss with my oncologist(s).
Finances depending, you’d get it significantly cheaper private in the UK than the US.
My mom just had her last dose of chemo. This is awesome news
I’ll glad people will forget this great news when it hasn’t happened in 20 years. Flying hydrogen powered cars*
Will ANY insurance cover it? At what percentage? And if not - how much will it cost?