
I ask simply as a legal hypo: could he also order the assassination of Supreme Court justices?
If the Supreme Court decides in favor of Trump’s claim that a sitting president has immunity from prosecution, the logical and legal thing for Biden to do would be to simply assassinate him before the election
There is precedent. 'President Donald Trump commended the U.S. Marshals for shooting Reinoehl, describing it as "retribution", and claiming to have personally "sent in" the U.S. Marshals to "get" Reinoehl during the first presidential debate with Joe Biden.'
Killings of Aaron Danielson and Michael Reinoehl -
It was quite the thing to see absolutely nobody give a single fuck about the president being like “hey go kill that guy,” then having federal agents go kill the guy with no pretense of an intention to arrest. we were all a little busy with all the other police murders nobody cared about, but Eesh.
At least Obama was smart enough to assassinate US citizens overseas
hey those citizens were related to TERRORISTS!!! It's totally different!!!