
The "Biden Too Old" drama is actually extremely relevant to the Supreme Court / Trump dictator conversations. The Democrats keep annointing flawed, white centrist candidates with 1970s politics who everyone is already kinda sick of. That's how we got stuck with Trump in 2016. Build a bench, ffs!
Notice how everyone is somehow talking about Biden Too Old right now, and NOT about how the Supreme Court just legalized Trump being a dictator for life and gutted the administrative state, and how the Heritage Foundation is now issuing terrorist threats? Think that might not be an accident?
Hillary was a terrible candidate in 2016, even more than she was in 2008 — and anyone who pointed out this obvious fact had Blue MAGA people screaming "sexist" at them. Blue MAGA spent the last five years screaming "ageist" at anyone who correctly pointed out that Biden is pretty obviously shaky.
This entire thing could have been avoided if Biden just stuck to being a one term President like he said he would be
Or if Obama and the Ds didn’t feel the need to dive on a grenade to stop Bernie
Or even just had Biden run in 2016 instead of 2020 he would have likely won in a landslide and the courts would have flipped to 5-4 Dem.
This is a lie and you know it's a lie.
I’m pretty confident Bidens fitness for running for president would be significantly less of an issue if he weren’t running for president
And right on time the Berniestans show up. Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million. Yes, she should have showed up to campaign in MI. I don't like Harris, never have. Does that make me a MAGA BLUE? Who ever came up with that shit? Do you think Trump is gaining 38% of the black vote? BS
Literally who said anything about Bernie?
It's all they've got. They'll scream "BernieBro" even as you're describing true things that literally happened.
"Or if Obama and the Ds didn’t feel the need to dive on a grenade to stop Bernie"
This is a safe space. You can admit Hillary was one of the worst candidates of all time. She said, “Pokémon Go to the polls.” and hired buffoons based on loyalty. In 2008, her campaign didn’t even know how delegate counts worked.
Well Hillary winning the popular vote did dick for us in 2016 or now, now did it?
Too bad US elections aren't decided by the popular vote. Ah well.
The cruelest irony is that Biden would have likely won in a landslide against Trump in 2016, but too many Dems insisted on sticking with Hillary.