
Instead of strengthening the social taboo against racism we’ve seen an organized and concerted effort to roll it back and the generally tepid response has led to a ton of negative externalities.
And make no mistake liberals and leftists looking to distinguish themselves by indulging in a little “snarky” racism to prove their “independent thinker” bona fides is also a big part of this concerted effort.
In like ten years we’re going to get a bunch of weepy shit like “oh we thought the racism thing was done and just thought we were being socially transgressive we didn’t know” bullshit revisionism too same way we’ve gotten with the hip snarky racist of the 90s and I’m telling you now it’s bullshit.
how long until "nooo i said the n word on voice chat and my friends all laughed because we were making fun OF racism i swear"
A lot of people seem to think the taboo should be and is talking about racism at all.
Yep this alongside the routine mocking, marginalizing of anyone demanding the material consequences of racism be seriously considered is a key part of the reactionary infrastructure
'racial conspiracy theories' 😭😭😭
The social safety net is the new slavery! Which was good btw;
It’s such a bad faith argument it almost beggars belief but it all falls into place when reading the arguments for patriarchal slave ownership. It’s amazing to see the afterlives of these old tenets
They assume the only alternative to this hierarchy is an inversion of it, rather than a dismantling.
The GOP is the Party of Lincoln! Who was a tyrant, btw.
tired: we are stuck in the 2016 presidential campaign forever wired: we are stuck in the backlash to Obama's election forever
My neighbor said today that he swears it's more racist now than 20 years ago. I figure it's because 20 years ago you could have 100 racists in a small town but they wouldn't know each other. Now they have online groups that provide each other with support and organization.
This is definitely part of it, there was also a confidence that white people would remain in charge 20 years ago, Obama and immigration has shaken that faith and we’re seeing the results of the insecurity.
It was easier to shame people for saying racist stuff 20 years ago and get them to reflect on it. Now, not only do racists have thriving online communities, but they also have media outlets and prominent politicians telling them it’s okay.
Fully convinced any day now they’re going to start bringing the word “miscegenation” back into the mainstream and try to modernize it by attaching it to Diet Supplement Industry Jargon.
my money's on it happening in the new age community first
It’s weird that most right wingers are just crunchy enough for snake oil supplements and crystals and horse paste despite being very smart and objectivists. I wish I was ruthless enough to hock a snake oil.
AM radio has sold that kind of stuff for decades through ads and host “live read” endorsements. Primed the pump in the 80s and pre-Web 90s.
if I put money before all else, I'd run a detrans grift and use the profit from it to buy hormones online and pocket the rest lmao
That’s the way to do it! Robin Hood that shit!
it would require me to lobby for cutting off hormone access to those without money though and uh, no.
Gee. If only these millionaires & billionaires would donate that kind of money to something that aligns more with their supposed faith. You know like food banks, homeless shelters, foster care.
They’ll never do it, we got to tax them. This will have the double benefit of making food support, public housing, parental supports more viable and removing their ability to toss millions around to destroy democracy.
additionally, it would be more efficient to have a single entity taking that tax money and also investing/managing the programs you mention - rather than farming it out to 1000s of non profits of varying sizes
If social welfare programs are slavery, why does the right wing hate them?
Negative externalities. I'm just a cat from the hood, what does that phrase mean?
A bunch of unanticipated consequences
That I understood! Appreciate it!