
Especially when the WH is waffling between righteous anger and feigned helplessness at demands to end their support.
Netanyahu is spitting in Biden’s face at every opportunity and they’re lashing the future of US democracy to a policy of unqualified support for this. It’s grotesque.
“Biden will let this keep going seven more months, at which point Trump will make it worse,” is a bad argument, it’s not a checkmate it’s a chilling statement of intent.
Biden, Kennedy, Oliver, skip it, Stein, Trump, West. Those are the choices. It's 51 smaller presidential elections, not one large one. Which candidate, given support 𝘯𝘰𝘸 can win which state? 40 electoral votes, maybe fewer, to let a different-looking House decide. The winner is weaker, regardless.
Why can’t Biden tell Netanyahu to go fuck himself. It makes no sense at all. Get new leadership in the Israeli government.
Imo Biden is so committed to Israel that he'll happily eat shit if it means they can create more "security." He really believes enough cops will fix anything, so why not directly occupy Gaza again. Too important to risk any disruption
He can. He doesn't want to.
Doesn’t make sense. Even the most cynical take where he enjoys the genocide would have him do the genocide after he is comfortably reelected.
Have you considered that he's not particularly fussed about winning the election.
The Mossad is known for bribing foreign representatives or blackmailing them. They got that from the soviets
I remember a political cartoon from the 90s when they did the exact same thing of two IDF soldiers looking at the Palestinian tied to the jeep saying something like "We need to change them every 100 miles" when the story broke, they claimed to stop. They did not:
If you think Trump will help the Palestinians more, you aren’t paying attention.
Biden could end this now. Trump could make it worse should be all the more reason he puts a stop to it now.
I think that's not a reason to leave the house. Oh Trump will be just as bad, maybe, wow better go give my rent to actblue
If Biden doesn't do something about Gaza, you'll have Trump, ok? We know that's all you care about, not the potentially as many as 200,000 souls we've lost. Go bother him instead of us!
nobody is saying that. they're saying that the current state of Gaza is untenable
The only chance is he drops out or gets replaced at the convention. Unless they use the 25th amendment on him. All very unlikely but completely necessary, and most dem voters would support it, I think
I don’t think this will happen but someone or something needs to get through to him this policy cannot continue if he wants to be anywhere near viable as a candidate moving forward.
It is, but I think Trump would support the annexation of Gaza and the West Bank. "Biden has put only inconsistent pressure on Israel; Trump would have put none."
Essentially what you’re saying is the administration is willing to gamble with even more Palestinians lives until the election to hold out the specter of even more death unless supporters fall in line. This too is deeply immoral.
This is what Biden supporters say "Trump will be worse!" It's a fucking genocide right now. You can't try to lesser evil a genocide for fucksake
You come from a place of perfect morality, with a bright shining line between Right and Wrong. I come from a place of cynical pragmatism, frequent disappointment, and the ability to see the lesser of two evils. I'll be voting for Biden.
Personally, I come from the morality that voting for a person while they are aiding and abetting a genocide makes me complicit in that genocide. If you can proudly say that you voted for the lesser genocider, then go do it. Just know that you will be supporting genocide
Not voting is a vote for Trump. Voting for Trump supports a greater genocide. I never voted for Trump before, I'm not going to do it now. I'm starting to think you people are a Russian psyop.
I'd be happy to stop the killing. Tell me how, and I'll mention you in Helsinki when they give me the Nobel Peace Prize.
And when Ukraine goes down, and NATO is history, and the USA sees mass deportations, will you proudly say, "I saw this coming, and did nothing?"
voting for a greater genocider or not voting at all is also supporting genocide. what you suggest does absolutely nothing to turn the tide. so what is it you support, mayor? one of them is going to win, like it or don't. choose wisely.
How would you feel if it was your family members that Biden was murdering?
Would it help them if Trump were president?
The issue is there's no lesser about it. That's a propaganda difference; Team Blue may not be passing the evil laws, but that isn't their function. Team Red is under the same umbrella, taking the same money.
It might yet stop. Under Trump it will accelerate.
“The genocide might yet stop. Biden 2024”
It appears that the only way it will stop is when every single Palestinian has been killed in Gaza, using American weapons and munitions and paid for with American tax money
I said what I said. Also, it's not the case that Netanyahu will simply do what Biden says. Nor can Biden override Congress. Now Jeffries and Schumer, they've no excuse. One less-dark spot is that the Netanyahu government is likely to fall soon. When that happens, who is US President will matter.
Netanyahu is dependent on US support for his continued political viability, Israel is dependent on military support for the continued viability of the war much less opening a front in the north. And if Netanyahu is on the verge of falling the continued support makes even less sense.
How do you figure? Netanyahu's domestic support depends partly on his claimed defiance of the USA and Israel is a major arms manufacturer. Pressuring Israel might tip the Israeli support to the right, and their right wing is super fanatical.
A) Netanyahu himself just released a video claiming the delay of one shipment of weapons threatens the entire war effort B) if they can supply their war efforts themselves let them do so and end your complicity in these war crimes.
Funny way to go out of your way to declare that you have no minimal standards.
The annexation of the West Bank is all but a fact at the moment, “Trump will formally recognize the crime already underway” is not a threat when Biden is materially supporting said crime but prevaricating about it
Seriously, it can get worse, lots worse.