
It is, but I think Trump would support the annexation of Gaza and the West Bank. "Biden has put only inconsistent pressure on Israel; Trump would have put none."
Essentially what you’re saying is the administration is willing to gamble with even more Palestinians lives until the election to hold out the specter of even more death unless supporters fall in line. This too is deeply immoral.
I said what I said. Also, it's not the case that Netanyahu will simply do what Biden says. Nor can Biden override Congress. Now Jeffries and Schumer, they've no excuse. One less-dark spot is that the Netanyahu government is likely to fall soon. When that happens, who is US President will matter.
Netanyahu is dependent on US support for his continued political viability, Israel is dependent on military support for the continued viability of the war much less opening a front in the north. And if Netanyahu is on the verge of falling the continued support makes even less sense.
How do you figure? Netanyahu's domestic support depends partly on his claimed defiance of the USA and Israel is a major arms manufacturer. Pressuring Israel might tip the Israeli support to the right, and their right wing is super fanatical.
A) Netanyahu himself just released a video claiming the delay of one shipment of weapons threatens the entire war effort B) if they can supply their war efforts themselves let them do so and end your complicity in these war crimes.
I don’t have to believe him it’s leverage he’s offered up willingly, and again if it isn’t true let him own his actions wholly on his own.