
It’s wild to witness because it’s supposed to be taken as a given but no one will say it. She’s done *everything* to appeal to the exact same crowd who backs Biden to the hilt, and yet!
It’s not racist to say “I’m worried that America is too misogynistic and racist to elect Harris,” but by not clearly saying that and making up other reasons, it is a definite indicator that the person is probably quite racist
This ignores the women and POC who would quite likely drown out the white male vote you reference.
I personally don’t agree with the assertion in my reply
Racism and misogyny are cultural forces-- while the white male vote is implied, it is not exclusively referenced because other voters are also influenced by them. (Which is not to say women and PoC couldn't turn the tide-- just to clarify worrying they couldn't is not ignoring them)
Except we saw with Obama, who was also super competent and centrist and also an amazing campaigner, that racism drives Republican voter turnout amazingly.
Ah, yes. The famous time Obama lost....
Of course not. But it's pretty clear that the racist backlash to his existence is a huge factor in what we're living with now. And Obama was a startlingly perfect candidate.
Plus, it's hard to read because Hilary was a pretty terrible campaigner and had decades of media smears hanging on her, but it's pretty clear the American electorate is really goddamn misogynist.
(I read this as "it's wild whiteness..." and it kinda still makes sense)