Chance 🌹

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Chance 🌹

Sporadic writer and aspiring scholar.
Interning for the Alabama Political Reporter.
Fascinating (if not wholly unexpected) news!
NEWS: Teamsters VP-at-Large, John Palmer, who has been extremely critical of current President O’Brien’s overtures towards the GOP, has just announced he’s forming an opposition slate and running for president in the 2026 Teamsters leadership election. “We are better than this.”
Bouncing off of Zack Beauchamp's new book, I try to argue the “promise” of Trumpism is the end of creative destruction & a new limited access order. “The MAGA vision of what America should be is a vision of a system of political and economic rents.”
The Reactionary Spirit Astride a Scattershot thoughts on Zack Beauchamp’s new book, the Trump/Vance ticket, and creative destruction
“When Peter Thiel, Vance’s backer par excellence, writes in the Wall Street Journal that ‘competition is for losers,’ listen to him. When all the Silicon Valley billionaires start supporting Trump after spending decades trying to corner markets and manufacture monopolies, pay attention.”
Is it computer science or something tech-y?
IMO the new Republican platform reading just like Trump’s tweets is key. “Like the campus conservatives I knew who would append “Sad!” to the end of their comments, the Republican Party has begun to speak in Trump’s voice now. And it thinks Trump’s thoughts.”
Opinion | Trump’s fever dream, America’s The new Republican platform tells every American what to expect from a second Trump term: four more years of government-by-tweet.
How to Drink is a really good channel! I don’t drink at all, but it’s still a fun watch
How often do you have two opinions come out on the same day? Not that I'm complaining of course - far from it!
Reposted byAvatar Chance 🌹
"At first glance, it seems like the Supreme Court has reinforced one leg of the ‘executive throne’ while whittling away at another. In reality, their goals are far more straightforward."
The Courts and the Personalist The erosion of democratic institutions on behalf of lobbyists, courts, and arbitrary personalism.
In a slightly different world, we could have gotten a Phillips/Tlaib ticket 😞
One of the best books about American politics I’ve read. Wills covers the Constitution, states’ rights, the 2nd Amendment, and violent anti-government action comprehensively and somehow breezily. I would strongly, strongly recommend taking a day or two to read it.
A fascinating book about a remarkably ambitious attempt to push for progressive change within and through organized labor. I’m not sure to what extent Vermont is sui generis, but would recommend reading this regardless — it’s also fairly brief.
As good as everyone was expecting it to be. I personally don’t find the chapter about Gotti as convincing as the rest of the book, but overall a really fascinating and informative read. Highly recommend.
A nice concise read that makes a convincing argument. I do wish it had a comprehensive timeline of state level labor law changes though — Walker mentions states that pass or rescind protections for public sector unions but never in full afaict. Thanks to Dr. Judson Abraham for the recommendation.
Between this, the Vimes boots theory, Monstrous Regiment, and the entirety of the von Lipwig trilogy really, Pratchett is in my opinion a better observer of the human condition than a lot of more high brow novelists.
“Like a tick swollen almost to bursting with blood, the Supreme Court now rests comfortably with its stolen power, waiting to loan it to a conservative president.”
The Courts and the Personalist The erosion of democratic institutions on behalf of lobbyists, courts, and arbitrary personalism.
Oh yeah, sorry. I didn’t mean those guys specifically (they're just who I like reading), but former columnists in general.
Do you draw any inspiration from (former) columnists? I personally am a big Mike Royko and Jimmy Breslin fan atm.
“There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen”
I like this bit from Kagan’s dissent. She is clear that this is a blatant power grab by the courts
Kagan’s dissent in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimando is *scalding*
Writing this column was fun, despite the infuriating subject matter. I got to quote a horrific section of Robert E. Lee’s grandson’s speech at the dedication of the memorial that as far as I know no one has drawn attention to before. Plus, quoting Lincoln, Garry Wills, and DuBois is always neat.
See also: Julie Su at the DoL and Jennifer Abruzzo at the NLRB
How much Republicans despise the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is really fascinating. It has existed for over a decade now and still has to regularly fight off lawsuits and other attacks.
Critical support? Uncritical support from me 🫡
The actual podcast has a preface about how no one in Israel/Palestine can agree on basic facts anymore, and about how the guest says a lot of (iirc he doesn’t quite say incorrect) uncomfortable things. It doesn’t seem like that preface is in the transcript.