
Looking for an artist/graphic designer. Please promote this skeet. The gig is to provide a cover and some internal graphics for a leadership development guide I'm (re)working on. This is a paid (not do-it-for-the-experience). & sure, this can be your first gig. I will want to see your work so far.
My plan for this paid artwork commission... is to review folks' past work. If you want the gig, you should have stuff you can show me. For any that are interested, I will send them the manuscript/book, and once the artist has had a chance to digest the work, we chat. Virtual cameras on. /
My plan for making a decision about this paid artwork commission... I'm pretty sure when I see the past work and have a discussion, I'll be making a yes or no decision pretty quick about making the offer and discussing the terms./
What I'm looking for with this paid artwork commission: First, a book cover. Second, a couple of graphics for a model pitched in the book. I think that's about it, but I'm sure once the right person sees the current situation, they might have more ideas for products./
How quick will I make a decision about this paid artwork commission: As quick as possible. Sure, I'm looking for the best artist for this work, but best means a lot of things. I want somebody who will provide the products needed in the style needed. There are many artists who can deliver. /
How can you as an artist reply to me for this paid artwork commission? You can squirt (DM). Or, to leverage things, comment on one of the skeets in this thread. I'll reskeet every pitch I get. And I think that's it for now. I will continue to skeet on this threat. Please reskeet and promote. /
What's this paid artwork commission all about? Read ⬆️. You might know the perfect artist for this work. Let them know about it. Reskeet any of the posts above to increase reach. Your help in getting the word out is greatly appreciated. Thank you. 30. (For now)
Can you share me the details?
can I help you with that? let's connect over Dm I'll sow you my recent work
What sort of refs are you looking for? I'm not looking to stick or scam anyone, if that's your concern. A couple of clicks into an unnamed professional social media site and you'll find I'm who I say I am & not a total deadbeat. 😉 Oh, sorry, refs, short answer: sure. when the conversation gets thr
Well i said refrences for the art ya looking for ,,, And i know you are legit though also i am ...
I'm showing my naivete. 😉 I'm going to assume the work you show me is your own and we're all professionals. (Now watch the vultures descend.) I'm thinking in the video conversation, we'd both get a sense if we want to do the work together.
Update 1 July: I have TWO appointments set for tomorrow, and plenty of time to meet with other interested artists. If you've already reached out to me, have I replied? If not, please let me know. If I have, and we don't have an meeting set, hit me up. This document spells out the gist of the need:
First correspondence to graphic artists for 2nd edition of the LDG I am sharing the link to this document with every artist who has indicated an interest. For reference, see Greetings: Thanks ...
Tuesday noon hour update. Meeting this afternoon with two artists. Still plenty of opportunity for folks who can produce book covers and mental models in an image form to meet to discuss the project. If you're interested, make a comment below and we'll get moving.
Great first meeting. They smacked it out of the park. Second meeting delayed to another day. A third meeting later. With an artist's manager. Only. Waiting to see this pitch. Because the artist that just pitched did a no hitter. One. Two. Three. The manager is an assistant.
I'm interested to work with you, kindly share me your requirement.
Hi! Thanks for replying. If you unwind the thread, I posted a slew of information about the requirements and the gig. If, after you read through, you're still interested, I'll want to see some of your work and, if I think it might work, we'd have a virtual meetup. Hope to hear more from you!
I've read all the things you have mentioned in thread and I am still interested to work on this project.
Excellent! Do you have an online portfolio you can share? Or examples of your work?
Here are two of my recent book cover artwork, kindly take a look!
Cool. What Id is like to do is provide you with the manuscript, give you a chance to look it over and think, and then we'd have a meetup. Sound reasonable?
Thanks for replying! I'm going to surf over to your stuff and take a look. Mind if we have our initial conversations here in skeets?
I would like to have our initial conversation in private.
Roger that. I'm sure that you have contact info on your portfolio (somehow I haven't gotten there yet) and I will reach out to you in whatever way you have listed there. You should have an initial something from me by sometime tonight. Thanks!
I would prefer our conversation over email. [email protected]
Let's talk! I'll send you a squirt (DM).
Hey sir I can assist you with that ❤ Can I show you some of my work ??
I'd love to see your work! Squirt (DM) to follow shortly.
I'm interested, can you open your DM or drop me a DM?
Budget leadership guide? My designs inspire even if content doesn't yet. I'm also, ready to impress. Send portfolio!
Hey, is there any chance we talk via dms?
If you need a physical copy of the art couriered, call Kureeur!
Thanks. Waiting for registration to open so I can try it out!
Squirt (DM) at me. Yours appear closed to me.
Hello Peter, Hope you are doing well Yeah I'll surely help you out feel free to message me or connect with me on discord or via email me<3 Both links in bio.