Peter Stinson

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Peter Stinson

Writer. Thinker. Existentialist. Caffeine addict.

Chief Strategy Officer at Kureeur Logistics LLC.

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watercolor scene path in meadow. PFP: bald white guy (he/him/they) silver goatee
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It is Disability Pride Month - the perfect time to learn about ALT text and start using it!
Let's get it going! Today is the day that changes everything!
The president is immune from prosecution. Can order the military to carry out assination of political rival. Military does. President grants pre-emptive pardons to all military involved. Fascism has arrived in force.
Avatar are you here? Now would be a good time to wake up. The other side has been executing their strategy for four decades. We need to get moving.
Reposted byAvatar Peter Stinson
44. Youth. I'm going to start using that. It would explain three of the children: rambunctious youth at 44.
Just had an interview with a head hunter.
Reposted byAvatar Peter Stinson
Great first meeting. They smacked it out of the park. Second meeting delayed to another day. A third meeting later. With an artist's manager. Only. Waiting to see this pitch. Because the artist that just pitched did a no hitter. One. Two. Three. The manager is an assistant.
Reposted byAvatar Peter Stinson
It's always interesting to see a post and the scan up to gain an understanding and find a blocked post. Was that me? Or them? It doesn't matter. It always confirms, however, that blocking does help with sanity.
This will make you woke. About how to think about money. Get woke about money. Worth the couple of minutes to read. And more.
Systems: How the Ultra-Wealthy Think About Money - Anil A blog about making culture. Since 1999.
Reposted byAvatar Peter Stinson
I regularly meet people who learn for the first time about the ocean biodiversity crisis, and immediately, confidently, and wrongly say what we need to do to fix it. I tell them to instead find people who already know what to do and help them, not to reinvent the wheel. This is an election subtweet
Reposted byAvatar Peter Stinson
We appear to be on track for fascism and totalitarism. We need a massive turnout this year to block it. The more people who come to the polls, the bigger the win for democracy. Make your plan now to vote. Involve your neighbors. Make sure your family votes. One person. One vote. Bring it the polls.
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Reposted byAvatar Peter Stinson
The problem is "when they take the low road, we take the high road" has been the mantra for so long that we don't even have the skills to use the tools at our disposal much less the will to use them.
Reposted byAvatar Peter Stinson
March 23 1933, the Enabling Act becomes law in Germany, giving the chief executive power enforce his own laws without checks and balances. The passing of the Act marked the formal transition from democratic republic to totalitarian dictatorship. 6 months later, it was a 1 party state.
I don't know, guys. Might be a day for posting flowers and dogs.
Reposted byAvatar Peter Stinson
Breaking news: The Supreme Court blocks Texas and Florida social media laws barring platforms from deleting content, while litigation continues. The case asked whether state governments have the power to set rules for how social media platforms curate content.
Live updates: Supreme Court to rule on Trump immunity, social media The Supreme Court is ruling Monday on whether Donald Trump is immune from prosecution for his efforts to overturn Joe Biden’s 2020 election victory.
Reposted byAvatar Peter Stinson
I know smut may seem like a frivolous thing to be upset about, but crushing it is part of fascism. Controlling all forms of sexual expression is fascism. Only allowing certain kinds is fascism. Smut peddlers are always canaries in the coal mines.
Reposted byAvatar Peter Stinson
Looking for an artist/graphic designer. Please promote this skeet. The gig is to provide a cover and some internal graphics for a leadership development guide I'm (re)working on. This is a paid (not do-it-for-the-experience). & sure, this can be your first gig. I will want to see your work so far.
Over on LinkedIn in, I saw this. My comment there: "Concur. The author is a misogynist, plain and simple." Here I can be a little more forthcoming: "What a fucking asshole the author is. Sure, he's a misogynist, but he's also a flaming asshole and deserves an iron frying pan to the skull."
Reposted byAvatar Peter Stinson
Good morning to all! The Romancing the Vote auction is starting today and there are hundreds of items ranging from hand-made crafts to autographed books. All proceeds benefit Fair Fight and Vote Riders.
Back to the grind and catching up. Heading into my feeds to see what I missed. Re/ the book cover: setting up appointments this morning. I have two for tomorrow afternoon. Need to get the formal invites out this AM. I'm very excited about this project. Comment below if I missed you. (My apologies)
When a job posting that starts this way, you have every reason to be suspicious: "Looking to join an exceptional company with outstanding leadership, come check us out" "Exceptional company" and "outstanding leadership" Ahhh, perhaps not. #JobSearchWarning
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About last night: fuck the media.
Reposted byAvatar Peter Stinson
Something I need to emphasize about my paid artwork commission. I think I need a graphic artist, not a fine art artist. Or am I being ignorant and ismist in some way? Anyway, the products are book cover for a leadership book and internal graphics. I'd like examples of stuff like that.
Reposted byAvatar Peter Stinson
Looking for an artist/graphic designer. Please promote this skeet. The gig is to provide a cover and some internal graphics for a leadership development guide I'm (re)working on. This is a paid (not do-it-for-the-experience). & sure, this can be your first gig. I will want to see your work so far.
Reposted byAvatar Peter Stinson