
Remember how Black people said police need to stop killing us in 2020 & for a couple months everybody else was like wow that actually sounds like a good idea & but then cops kept getting funded & now we have acres of military training camps for cops & police drone warfare against people's barbeques?
and then everyone said 'please take covid precautions' and the cdmotherfuckingc was like 'nah, you're all good' and then everyone said 'everything really costs too much' and now inflation is up like 1600% it's almost like everything we ask for, we get the opposite here on opposite earth
We elected Joe Biden, and that 'democrat' came out swinging in defense of cops, got them more money, and even bragged how the dems were the funders of cops, and the GOP were actually about defunding them's kinda hard to be all "RAH RAH", when the dem pres, is busy sucking cop dick
My town set up a whole citizens commission to improve our police force after they harassed a Black man for exercising in the street. Almost a year to the day they killed a man who was having a mental health crisis and our city did nothing with the commission's recommendations. ACAB
All we got was a holiday and a couple tv episodes banned
Well they found out cops kill white people too and the cops told them all the killing is necessary and when they stop killing people shoplifting goes up so see it's complicated.
we tried but once people started getting literally disappeared into unmarked vans and head activists getting assassinated it became tough to keep up the fight
I have no idea why people think this is a good thing /and it's the "smaller gov't" crew and "defund libraries" crew