
If you think the Heritage Foundation wants Biden to stay in because they think he’ll lose, you’re missing the point. If he tries to drop out, it will be playing right into their hands. The right will take that golden opportunity to turn the election into even more of a gigantic shitshow.
Candidacy challenges in all 50 states
Right, the press is to busy running the same story over and over to dig up the huge Republican legal team that is necessarily waiting in the wings to challenge Democratic ballot access and file all kinds of crazy stuff.
Wish big SM accounts understood this. Looking at Rob Reiner... 👀
Strangely, a lot of people have different instincts and assumptions that come to the opposite conclusion and they are not Russian bots, republicans, or escapees from the insane asylum.
Strangely, a lot of people have come to a different conclusion, and also know that Heritage is ON RECORD as saying they will go to court to fuck up the election. Don't give them a lever to do that!!!
Do you think they won’t go to court to fuck up the election if Joe Biden stays in the race? They might not have to, because right now he’s gonna lose. Fear of what the enemy might do in various legal hypotheticals is far less important to me than can he do the job for four more years. I think not.
Origo - Betri tækni bætir lífið Við erum stöðugt að þróa lausnir og þjónustu með það að markmiði að viðskiptavinir okkar skari fram úr
They have much less of a reason to do so. Again, WHY DO YOU WANT TO GIVE THEM A LEVER? Stop this!
Calm down. What I think and what you think mean absolutely bupkis.