
A few days ago I met a pal, an OB-GYN who is working at a service that sends abortion pills (mifepristone and misoprostol) to women who need them in states that ban abortion. She asked me to help spread the word about how to use the service, and asked me to ask you guys to pass on the info. 1/6
A host of providers are doing this. They all have somewhat different terms and rates. You can find out which is best for you at Plan C ( ) -- a list of providers, rules, FAQs, etc. It’s a good place to begin if you need this. 2/6
PLAN C: Abortion pills by mail in every Plan C is an information resource for self-managed, at-home abortion with pills. Learn how people in the U.S. are accessing abortion pill options online.
My pal works with The MAP (Massachusetts Medication Abortion Access Project), which is affiliated with Cambridge Reproductive Health Consultants. They’re pricey (up to $250), because they provide more care than bare-bones services. But there's a sliding scale for ppl short of funds. Here’s the site:
The MAP |
As my pal stressed, 100% of the work at The MAP is volunteer and non-profit. But that doesn’t mean they have no expenses, esp. lawyers and insurance (obvsly), but also providing near-free “miffies” (MD jargon for the pills) for women who need them and can't afford the full fee. 4/6
So… please consider donating: (100% will go to The Map, which to repeat is all-volunteer and nonprofit). If you don’t like this site for some reason, you can give at ActBlue:
Donate |
Please pass on this information far and wide! My pal tells me that not enough women know these services exist—and especially not the younger women who especially might need them. And donate! (We did; it was easy; you can, too.) 6/6
Thank you. I’ll make it a morning action for We’re new but we’ll do our best to get it out.
It's true, far too many people are unaware of these services. I will ask you for one thing going forth however... Simply, to be aware that not *all* people who become pregnant, might be referred to as women. I usually try to make use of "people", "persons" etc to include all. 🙂
Thanks for mentioning this. I lived in Alabama for a long time, and I remember vividly how maddening judicial decisions were when I lived there. I appreciate having the pointer to good places to donate. I'm in my 40s now, but I remember the scared 20-something version of me who needed this care.
This is wonderful! In the future, can you use "people" instead of "women"? I'm a non-woman who could theoretically need an abortion.
My apologies! I didn't mean to leave anyone out!
Are you using some kind of filter system? Twitter is wide open & I can believe that any high spirited anti-choice person will be looking for ways to interfere with your well meaning activities now you've indicated how you're trying to be of help.
I figure I can take a tiny risk on behalf of a good friend who is taking a real risk. Also (pedantic note) this is Bluesky, IMO generally a friendlier place than X/Twitter :)
Yeah, forced birth activists are (alas) perfectly capable of finding these sites (which need to be visible so folks in need can find them), providers explicitly asked for the word to be spread, and ime abortion providers know what they are doing & expect the assholes to show up
There are anti-abortion types already on the case. There are moves in the works to revive the Comstock Act of 1873 that is still on the books. If you aren't familiar with it, read up. I guarantee it'll be one of their next moves.
Thank you! Also, if someone needs an abortion find a Rabbi. Many will help you it is viewed as a woman's right to healthcare in Judaism.
Can you please post this thread to your Xhitter account so I can re-Xhit it there
I'm not being flippant, please post this important information on your @CharlesCMann Xhitter account
I plan to tomorrow. For some reason my posts there seem to get more reactions if I put them up in the late morning. Since the goal is to pass on these URLs, I’ll Xhit then.
Commenting so I can find this later & squirrel it away in my 'resources' folder.
I am against abortion It is murder
Don't do it then. Simples.
"Murder" is the illegal taking of life. Where I live, in the 21st century, abortion is a legal choice and therefore not murder. If you'd like to have a reasonable discussion about clusters of cells being 'alive' - have at it.
Then don’t have one, but allow others that right to choose what is best for them. Don’t push your beliefs onto anyone else.