Shane Ivins

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Shane Ivins

Feminist nerdy genderfluid venusic friend. He/they pronouns. Monogamously married. Mostly, I post about games, hobbies, and comics.

Read here about my pronouns if you're curious:
Okay Google, how do you marry someone a second time without divorcing them?
My neighbors would like to wish everyone a very happy 6th of July. I guess they wanted to save their midnight explosions for the weekend.
One of the coolest things about being married is that sometimes your spouse turns to you on a random Friday night at like 8:00 and says, "I'm craving something sweet. Should I make a cake?" And then like 2 or 3 hours later you're both eating cake.
As expected, Biden gave the most boring possible "Crime is legal now for me personally" speech that anyone has ever given.
Reposted byAvatar Shane Ivins
I'm sure you've heard this before, so this is for anyone else who needs to hear it. 1) The singular they is proper grammar. Ex: "When the delivery driver arrives, please make sure they take this box." In the past, it was used when gender was uncertain. Now it's also used for nonbinary people.
It just occurred to me that younger people might not realize that memes from older shows like "Sure, Jan" were created long after the show aired, since they've never lived in a world without memes.
Sometimes I wish I was better at posting and had a big following. But more and more lately... I think I'm good, actually. 😅 This way seems better.
I hate when I break a nail and have to clip all the other ones short so they grow to the same length again.
My wife is always on the lookout for ways to make others happy. She's really good at cooking and baking, so she pays a lot of attention to what flavors people love so she can make them things suited specifically to their tastes.
I like this idea, please tell me your favorite things about your partner 💕
"Dreams and dreaming" reporting in.
tag yourself, I’m Cosmic Connections
ACAB definitely includes these two.
So Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, right? And I always imagined "picked" meant "harvested" here, like picking strawberries or whatever. But today, it occurred to me... The peppers are already pickled! You can't pickle them before they're harvested!
Reposted byAvatar Shane Ivins
just because it’s funny doesn’t mean it didn’t also make me audibly sigh lol
Came out pretty well, btw.
"You mean to tell me an egg fried this rice?" "Well, I don't like to presume, but it seems like he's gonna switch pronouns any day now."
"You mean to tell me an egg fried this rice?" "Well, I don't like to presume, but it seems like he's gonna switch pronouns any day now."
Thought about sending a DM to a mutual or two, now that I can, but I realized that I have nothing to say to y'all except stuff I can just say here. So it just feels awkward. Feel free to send me one, though! I might even remember to check them. 😂
Looks like the DM fairy came to a lot of people, but not for me yet. Which is fine, I don't know who I would DM anyway, and I doubt anyone wants to DM me.
You know what's neat? You. You're pretty neat. 😁
Gonna need y'all to hit that subscribe button. Smash that subscribe button. Just utterly obliterate that subscribe button. Nuke that subscribe button from orbit. Gonna need you to do war crimes against that subscribe button. I need you to... uh... What were we talking about again?
Search your camera roll for “art”
Search your camera roll for “art”
Reposted byAvatar Shane Ivins
(Discovered a hole in my pants in a spot that's difficult to explain since I don't use my back pockets, and this isn't the first time.)
My wife just threatened to call the SCP Foundation to, and I quote, "secure, protect, and contain dat ass."
Genderfluid so I can get both the Hot Wheels toy and the Barbie toy in the Happy Meal.
genderfluid so i can sing both the Barbie and Ken song.
if you see this post a kobold
if you see this post a kobold
Last four characters in your phone are your D&D party
Last four characters in your phone are your D&D party
I'm not the most cisgendered person I know... ... but I'm not, like, the least cisgendered person I know either, you know?