
I will think of you fondly during my Stellaris binge. Leave pictures of big cat kittens on this thread so you may be visited by the Goddess of Good Mental Health; goodness knows you all need some cheetah kittens in your lives right now
Alright, I'm going dark until after the holiday, and maybe not *right* after. Don't accept the framing the wreckers and fascists give you, focus on substance, and keep the light of liberalism on for when I get back (Last time I popped in a bit because I am weak. I'm probably still weak, lol)
people need to stop reading things into cat faces, they're solitary predators, unlike dogs, they don't devote facial muscles to social signalling.
You clearly have never had a cat slowly squint at you
I once woke up at a friend's house after a night of drinking to two yellow eyes looking me in the face. My scream woke up everyone in the room and I just drove home, sleep was impossible after that.