
Really worthwhile to listen to this (this is the link for hour 2) if you want to check on Biden's abilities. He gives informed, detailed answers. He misspeaks sometimes. He's a little mumbly. *If he can keep that up,* there's every reason to believe he's still fit to campaign & serve.
EXCLUSIVE: Interview w/ President Joe Biden (Hour 2) <p>Earl starts off the hour replaying his interview with President Joe Biden. He talks about the conversation surrounding the President&#8217;s nomination and the dangers that Donald Trump poses our n...
reassuring considering the goalposts are already starting to move a bit with the ABC interview (Daily Beast running an article saying it won’t be long enough to evaluate Biden’s cognitive abilities)
There's a lot of awful people trying to redecide things in their favor after voters told them to kick rocks, & they're not going to give up easily
That’s the headline, but then it acknowledges in the article that it’s a normal length interview. Ridiculous.
He seems to be mostly reading his answers, and occasionally misreading them, though of course we can't tell that for sure over radio. But he doesn't pause and think before launching into the bullet points. And it's less than 20 minutes long, recorded during his "good hours." I'm not reassured.
I genuinely think a HUGE part of the debate fiasco was the body language. When you just listen to him here he sounds fine! He goes on some tangents but he’s always done that. He clearly emphasizes accomplishments and 2nd term goals.
During the ABC interview tomorrow let’s hope he looks super alert and focused on Steph, bc people will read entirely too much into that, and it will largely determine what kind of impression he makes.