
i wonder if you plot male height against male attitude towards trans women you get anything interesting
Is the reason I'm accepting of trans women that my mother is 6'? Freud boggles
And yet I'm also accepting of trans women, and I'm the tallest member of my immediate family at 5'7", with a 5'2" mom and plenty of female relatives under 5' on both sides... (we're hobbit-adjacent, I'm realizing). I guess I'm in bucket #1?
Yeah, anything this esoteric is going to be only weakly descriptive at best. But I think the larger point is strong: a lot of transphobia comes down to insecurity, especially insecurity in one's own identity.
I’m 5’8. Here for the esoteric weirdness.
idk why I think im helping but I’m tall cis women who got called boy-ish no matter what so. 😂
Totally. And I'm aware of it in myself!! Which is why I take the time to examine my priors. But I fully understand the components of the phobia and bigotry.