
Today reminds me of one of my favorite kdrama quotes: 법이 깡패지. 센 놈한테 약하고 약한 놈한테 강하고. The law is a thug. It's weak against the strong, and strong against the weak.
Love this! Must have watched as it seems v familiar. I so appreciate how kdrama treats inequality--it's prob one of the reasons I'm drawn to it b/c very few US shows/movies address it. My only wish is that those treatments translated into real life as Yoon seems a US bootlicker and a disaster. 😕
Agree. It's the prevalent theme in so many shows, and makes it seem like Koreans are so much more aware of the systemic inequality/unfairness -- but somehow doesn't translate to fixing anything unfortunately.
also, it's from Squad 38 (ep 2) which I actually don't think I finished!
Thanks for the show name! A qik search brings up the reality show 'Iron Squad' (😑) or 'Squad 38'--the latter about collecting taxes from habitual tax evaders. Assuming it's the latter and if so I, too, only lasted a couple of eps. 😕
I did it for Seo In-Guk! But yeah, it's the latter. The quote is actually from one of the tax collectors while they're clearing out some poor guy's home after letting off the rich. The last line of the quote is, "And we're thugs/bullies too."
Oooo, the last line! 😮 Good one!