
It’s why companies have customer service departments. If you could go up to the CEO of the airline and go “listen motherfucker, you oversold my flight and I was bumped and didn’t make it to my loved ones deathbed in time” they would feel bad! They would feel the repercussions of their decisions.
So they have a customer service number. Now you can angry cry at an underpaid, overworked employee who can’t do anything but express their sincere condolences. And more importantly they do not have the ability to actually remedy anyone’s problem so it’s a perfect solution.
I have never before witnessed a quicker or more dramatic turnaround in customer service than the time I had a shitty experience with a CSR, and for some reason decided to call the main corporate number and ask to leave a message for the CEO. The person who answered my call gave me his voicemail!
Hahaha I can say with certainty that there are few guaranteed fireable offenses and that’s one of them.
All I know is when I called back the next day (because my problem still wasn't solved), I suddenly got treated like someone they gave a shit about. 😸