
Avatar about naming flies.
I’m organizing my dry fly boxes, and printing labels.
Hehe, I like it! But as the art tying is the art of deception, maybe it could be labeled Flies Resembling Steve? I think you may have started something...
I think that’s implied in most flies that they are resembling something. It would be cool to have a box of just neat terrestrial insects, but instead I have a box full of foam, hair and feathers that are imitative of 🐜🦗🪲🪱
I also love to hear and understand what other tyers’ philosophy is around how and why they tie, I feel like I learn more from that than just learning how and what they tie.
Too, the pure creative element of tying is satisfying as it is when I photograph landscapes or compose music. The 'why' of that is maybe too close to objectively identify or describe..
I sit down and replay times on the river. What pattern was acceptable, what was less so. I tie in the same mindset of poring over topo maps - I'm a wilderness canoeist. The feeling of possibilities from a map and from what is materializing on the vise. It's a small vortex of stillness..
Definitely more to learn, there. For sure.
It would be! I've seen a June bug and earwig imitation that were amazing. Don't know about there ability as flies, but as art from the vise - impressive.