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Maker of things, do-er of stuff | Art | CG | Programming | ❤️‍🔥
Reposted byAvatar Chrism
I myself have 7 tiny cups but some of my colleagues have over 20 tiny cups and this is how marine biologists determine rank in our society
People say scientists are serious but marine biologists will spend hours quietly sitting around tables drawing on styrofoam cups and then tying said cups to deep sea submarines Because ocean pressure will squeeze the air from the cups And we are but human & we want tiny cup
Reposted byAvatar Chrism
There is no such thing as a wasted vote. In the UK on July 4th, a vote for a party you don’t think can win STILL HAS AN IMPACT. It signals support for those policies, and helps those parties garner even more support in future. Just because your choice doesn’t win DOES NOT MEAN YOUR VOTE IS WASTED.
Reposted byAvatar Chrism
Please vote Green on July 4th. Yes, they have a plethora of problems - but they by far have the most progressive and inclusive manifesto. Labour are likely going to win anyway, so use your vote to signal support for radical and progressive policies, it doesn’t matter if they can win in your ward.
Reposted byAvatar Chrism
Daily bunny no.2518 is tired of Earth. These bunnies...
Reposted byAvatar Chrism
I’d very much appreciate it if anyone voting in the UK Election in a month could vote for the GREENS if possible. Labour will win with a landslide regardless, so you might as well actually register your vote for green left wing policies. Your vote always does SOMETHING, even without winning.
Reposted byAvatar Chrism
I've been trying to find a way to grok fully why LLMs and other AI attempts give me pause. I see discussion about their technical details and lack of actual knowledge, and it makes sense, but putting it in terms that work in my own mind is important, and I think it's clicked for me completely.🧵
Reposted byAvatar Chrism
Reposted byAvatar Chrism
Reposted byAvatar Chrism
Reposted byAvatar Chrism
A very cool result from #JWST: a supernova went off 10 billion years ago in a galaxy that is now 16 billion light-years away from us. Via gravitational lensing, the supernova appears as 3 different images (!); image A arrived first, followed by C (70 days later), then image B (50 days after that). 🧪
Ah yes, it's "sudden, inexplicable urge to play Spore" time again
Reposted byAvatar Chrism
End of feed.