
Earlier this week, CNN's political director David Chalian said a debate “is not the ideal venue for a live fact-checking exercise." Moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash stuck to that model Thursday night, despite multiple falsehoods claimed during the debate.
CNN debate moderators didn’t fact-check. Not everyone is happy about CNN’s political director said earlier a presidential debate “is not the ideal venue for a live fact-checking exercise.” Jake Tapper and Dana Bash stuck to that.
Here's a live fact check , in case anyone forgot. The orange felon WANTED this:
Ironic. I actually follow that exact woman on Instagram and she has repeatedly said that this story was staged and the quotes attributed to her are not true. Her IG is gixi_beauty I believe
You know what? I've watched her segment with Jesse. She seems ... Was she high? Did you see it? How can she claim the quotes were not true when we *see her saying those words*? But funny, she can't keep her phrases straight and her eyes keep meandering. I don't think she was all there .
So you’re saying we can’t trust her because she shows signs of being an unstable drug addict, but also we should absolutely trust her because the main person who says her story wasn’t real is… herself, the unstable drug addict?
No, what?No. Wait. I said she seems to be weirded out in that interview. Also , the denial is weird because we saw her say those words she claims were staged.
She says the AP faked the attack and told everyone interviewed on camera what to say. So what she was to say in the aftermath of the hoax attack was by her admission untrue. There’s nothing strange about lying and then later admitting the truth.
She claims the AP set up the “attack” like a film set, setting off controlled explosions and driving tanks through town for the footage that made the initial report. I’m not aware of any Fox interview but also I don’t watch Fox so I wouldn’t have seen it