
Earlier this week, CNN's political director David Chalian said a debate “is not the ideal venue for a live fact-checking exercise." Moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash stuck to that model Thursday night, despite multiple falsehoods claimed during the debate.
CNN debate moderators didn’t fact-check. Not everyone is happy about CNN’s political director said earlier a presidential debate “is not the ideal venue for a live fact-checking exercise.” Jake Tapper and Dana Bash stuck to that.
Trump lied his fucking ass off. Call it for what it is.
Multiple falsehoods claimed by WHOM
Trump lies was so obvious
To ALL journalists: It. Is. Your. Job. To. Fact. Check. Like, literally it’s your fucking job.
Tbf the media overlords have fired all the journalists. These moderators and cable news sock puppets are entertainers.
If CNN wasn’t going to fact check during the debate they should have had a disclaimer, the debate should have been labeled as pure fiction.
F*** these "we report, you decide" guys.
If you want to be a conveyer belt for lies and propaganda rather than the truth, sure.
Avatar did a terrible job with this so-called “debate.” All they cared about were the ratings. They cared little about truth and facts. What a terrible production. They are just as bad as Trump when it comes down to lying. Goodbye, !
The news media will be the downfall of this country, and that includes you, WaPo.
Hardly the most significant thing but I will never not find find these game show-like debate sets really dystopian. And commercial breaks for a presidential debate?! It’s all so gross.
Commercials are the ONLY motivation for these so-called news programs. These companies have zero loyalty to fact or country. The only thing they care about is selling ad slots. This is why they do the “both sides” bullshit: an illusion of being “Unbiased™”.
🤔😩 Surely there must be actual debate strategies known by debate experts to expose a lying, bullying sociopathic opponent AS a lying, bullying sociopath. If so, why were they not used to prep Biden? Or has Trump's unique form of manic sociopathic hyperbole broken the fundamental debate format?
Is it the ideal venue for a firehouse-of-lies exercise? Because that’s what they got.
„TRUMP LIES“ was right there, why remain vague with „multiple ~falsehoods~“ and not add *who* did the lying? Your owner is helping to destroy democracy for money when he already has more than he can spend in multiple lifetimes.
We have some good news. Trump said next week he is going to deliver proof the 2020 election was stolen. Looking forward to this.
Here's a live fact check , in case anyone forgot. The orange felon WANTED this:
Ironic. I actually follow that exact woman on Instagram and she has repeatedly said that this story was staged and the quotes attributed to her are not true. Her IG is gixi_beauty I believe
You know what? I've watched her segment with Jesse. She seems ... Was she high? Did you see it? How can she claim the quotes were not true when we *see her saying those words*? But funny, she can't keep her phrases straight and her eyes keep meandering. I don't think she was all there .
So you’re saying we can’t trust her because she shows signs of being an unstable drug addict, but also we should absolutely trust her because the main person who says her story wasn’t real is… herself, the unstable drug addict?
No, what?No. Wait. I said she seems to be weirded out in that interview. Also , the denial is weird because we saw her say those words she claims were staged.
She says the AP faked the attack and told everyone interviewed on camera what to say. So what she was to say in the aftermath of the hoax attack was by her admission untrue. There’s nothing strange about lying and then later admitting the truth.
ChatGPT would have done a better job. Their performance was shameful.
I thought it was a great debate. Imho, the point is to see their differences and nothing about these two is alike.
It’s not a debate if one guy just lies nonstop.
He lied. Over 50 times. Call the thing the thing. Enough of this “falsehoods”, “mistruths”, “misleading statements” bullshit. It’s been 9 years of lies and gaslighting and you are still normalizing him.
That was a mistake. It felt like Trump had an opinion and Biden had an other opinion, when in fact Trump lied about facts and Biden stated facts or even corrected Trump's lies about fact. Whatever factchecking was done after the debate: it came too late and I doubt many watched it.
Clown Show Implodes World can't stop laughing.
Nice way to cover for not doing your fucking job, CNN!
Fact check be damned. They could have said answer the fucking question asshole.
Why didn’t they just have AI ask questions?
A debate is THE ideal venue for truth. Damn it.
They were instructed to not fact-check and they obeyed their masters. Like dogs.
It was also up to Biden to counter the Trump falsehoods, and I’m not blaming CNN for Biden’s meager and weak performance.
Maybe CNN should watch the Colorado D4 debate and take notes. Moderator Kyle Clark was magnificent against pathological lying boebert.
This is like the most understated understatement EVAR. WTF
They didn't even "question check." Awful.
Kind of glad. Too much noise already. So many points are easy to fact check. And those that really care will. Those that don’t will just vote on emotion. Fact checking would not have changed this, imho.
No one needed Tapper & Bash. Someone in the control room could reset the timer & mute the mics. Questions could simply be displayed on monitors. They added no value.
They need a masterclass from Kyle Clark. #HugeFail
These motherfuckers need to be banned from the cocktail parties for life. Bash we know is an asshole but Tapper's "liberalism" seems to have been pure cosplay.
You gotta stop calling lies “falsehoods”.
Imagine: Day 1. The “debate” Day 2. The fact checking Could be marketed like crazy, but would fail the pathological “fairness” preference of capitalist advertising networks, weirdly called “news”.
More to the point, Tapper is a Republican and Bash is an imbecile who doesn’t eat enough protein to have cerebral function, so they did what they do