
The mainstream media and social media environment surrounding Biden is more aggressively toxic than anything I can recall for a POTUS, Trump included. That more than anything Biden has or hasn’t done has me questioning the wisdom of him saying in. The negativity is overwhelming. (1/2)
I’m not saying Biden should drop out. I’m just wondering how he wins over undecideds when teams of reporters and Twitter trolls are scrutinizing every syllable he utters for signs of impairment while every deranged thing Trump says is treated as old news. (2/2)
BY simply keeping going and getting a Disinfo specialist on board. And media literacy into schools. Because people are falling for the same dirty tricks. TWICE.
This is exactly what I was thinking. It's Lucy with the damned ball again, and the left is falling for it **again**.
I guarantee you that the think tanks in the Kremlin gaming out this election have a detailed nativist battle plan ready that they think will work for America should Kamala take over as the nominee. You can even **see** it in 45's never-ending non-sequiturs in the debate on anti-immigrant rhetoric.
He's going to run on "brown people bad", which works much better against a woman of color than against a white guy from Scranton.
Yeah, she’s gonna be the face of the replacement. She already was with the frame of Biden being a doting senile puppeteered by “the left”
Exactly! Just when you didn't think humans could be any dumber.