
The mainstream media and social media environment surrounding Biden is more aggressively toxic than anything I can recall for a POTUS, Trump included. That more than anything Biden has or hasn’t done has me questioning the wisdom of him saying in. The negativity is overwhelming. (1/2)
I’m not saying Biden should drop out. I’m just wondering how he wins over undecideds when teams of reporters and Twitter trolls are scrutinizing every syllable he utters for signs of impairment while every deranged thing Trump says is treated as old news. (2/2)
These same people would eat a replacement candidate alive. No way out but through.
But do you think there is a single person who is currently planning to vote Biden who wouldn’t vote for that replacement? Are people really switching from Biden to Trump or are they voting third party or abstaining? A replacement will receive all of Biden’s votes as well as a lot of abstainers.
A lot of undecideds won't spend a ton of time thinking about this decision. A recognizable name and someone with experience as president are very valuable commodities. The incumbent advantage is real (Trump got *10 million* more votes from 2016 to 2020)
Harris with Biden as VP. Easy win.
I guess I just can’t see anything making things worse. I struggle to imagine any undecideds choosing Biden anymore but then again I am also terminally online.
Onlineness makes it seem much worse. Most folks aren't following all this. Meanwhile, it could get MUCH worse as Dems fight over new candidate, low info voters are confused/unaware of this new person & there could be challenges getting them on the ballot. All with Dems in Disarray media coverage.
I remain unconvinced. I like Biden but believe he has become a liability and should step down. I don’t see how the coverage could get worse. This is all just screaming into the void anyway
Yes? Some people actually like Biden, that's why he won two primaries. I'll vote for whoever gets the D nomination even if its a club sandwich, but plenty of actual Biden supporters would be pretty damn angry if he was forced out of the race by dishonest op-eds.
More realistically, since this is entirely about "media vibes" do we have any reason to think the media would treat a replacement Democrat any better? Did we forget the non-stop media frenzy of "Hillary Clinton tripped, is she too sick to be president?"
I like Biden but I no longer think Biden can beat Trump. I don’t like Trump. If Biden stays in the race he will lose and that will be very bad. His replacement will of course have a hard time and may well lose too, but whoever it is will have a better chance than Biden and that’s our best hope.
But nobody is polling notably better than Biden? This is all just vibes with no data.
It's not entirely about media vibes. I'm sorry, but this is a coping story Biden fans have been telling themselves for the last week, and indeed longer. People hate saying their own team has made mistakes, it's a natural human impulse to look for external scapegoats, but often a misguided one.
::raises hand:: There is nothing wrong with Biden. Jesus Christ look at the incoherent bullshit almost no one questioned from TFG! When Joe tells me to drink bleach, eat horse worm paste and shine a flashlight up my ass, I might think differently. Until then it’s Biden.
There are a whole bunch of "Democratic" white men who won't vote for a woman, let alone a Black woman. Misogyny & racism are still major players - moreso with the GOP than Dems, but it is still there.
are you one of them? if not, at what point does this take contribute to it being a self-fulfilling prophecy?
Hardly. I'm just stating what we saw back in 2016 when the misogyny was rampant & then again in 2020 when we got both. It wasn't JUST the GOP either.
This 100%. I wrote my Senator and Congressmen, told them if Democrats can't tolerate the ageism attacks on Biden, just wait until they see what toxic crap is thrown at to 2nd gen immigrant woman of color. Seen what they do to a woman. But who knows, maybe people will say "enough" and ignore media.
Imagine not believing this. Imagine being SHOCKED when Biden is replaced by Kamala and the media is like "The infamous 'coconut' speech casts doubt on Harris viability." And all you can say is, I don't understand, we gave in to all their previous demands!
If he gives in and drops out, they will do it to every Dem candidate because it will have worked.
Bingo. Blood in the water. They'll never be satisfied.
This is why they’re doing it now. So they can do it to every single Democratic candidate that comes after.
BY simply keeping going and getting a Disinfo specialist on board. And media literacy into schools. Because people are falling for the same dirty tricks. TWICE.
This is exactly what I was thinking. It's Lucy with the damned ball again, and the left is falling for it **again**.
I guarantee you that the think tanks in the Kremlin gaming out this election have a detailed nativist battle plan ready that they think will work for America should Kamala take over as the nominee. You can even **see** it in 45's never-ending non-sequiturs in the debate on anti-immigrant rhetoric.
He's going to run on "brown people bad", which works much better against a woman of color than against a white guy from Scranton.
Yeah, she’s gonna be the face of the replacement. She already was with the frame of Biden being a doting senile puppeteered by “the left”
Exactly! Just when you didn't think humans could be any dumber.
I think the hope is that nobody gives a shit about it; that "Biden old" is already priced in and even if the toxicity continues the combination of gigantic ground game and enormous ad buys will activate the ginormous swing we've seen relative to expectations post-Dobbs.
This. It's important to remember we're the odd ones here. Most folks don't haunt political social media or read NY Times columnists for thar matter.
while it can be easy to lose faith in Americans based on the media narratives... yet... post debate Biden STILL outraised Trump post the debate; polls of undecided voters in various media focus groups indicated that Biden won and in each election post Dobbs people vote for Abortion, everywhere.
It's going to happen to whoever comes next if he drops. Dems need to stop trying to appease and start pushing back. It won't be easy, but indignantly refusing to back down is the best play. As long as Dems look weak and needy for press approval, they'll keep getting attacked.
Many voters are now comparing Biden to an aging relative. That's what makes this line of attack so pernicious. Lots of people have known older folks who have moments of lucidity followed by moments of confusion. It's a uniquely damaging and specific issue for an 81-year-old.
There is not 1 person, other than President Biden, that has beaten tRump. This is more about the fear they have toward VP Kamala Harris becoming President. This game is about igniting fea, chaos,r, and knocking them out. I'd be standing stunned on stage as well while the other guy is spewing lies! 😳
No matter who is running in the Dem spot, you have the same issues. Dumping Biden is the stupiest idea ever.
You’re making the fatal mistake of thinking undecideds are freaking out on Twitter. That people don’t see him dropping out as a sure loss is unbelievable. What a bunch of toddlers.
If Biden drops out, that's a guaranteed red wave. Naysayers need to wake up and look at the big picture. It's either Biden or fascism.
Don't think the 30 something folks quite grasp how damaging it is to seek another dem nominee at this point, 120+ days out from an election. If Dems vote, they'll vote democratic, regardless of who is on the ticket. Maybe confer with We all could truly use her insight.
I guess if I were concerned and have correctly diagnosed that situation, I would think about whether I would want to help them do it by endlessly just asking questions.
You think it will be different for anyone else? Hillary had non-stop BS like this for decades
I think at this point everyone is being critical of him because people REALLY don’t want Trump again, and they sense weakness in Biden that could mean failure. They’re weighing his chances of success and have found him wanting. It’s desperation.
It’s interesting that on Bluesky I see tons of support for Biden staying in, even from people who admit Biden will probably lose to Trump. But in real life I don’t know a single person who wants him to stay in.
Sad to say it's Biden or Bust. Because anything Dems do this late in the game, will also incur the wraith of the Dem voter base that put in all that effort to support Biden after all the media/social media shit environment. No matter what, the party doesn't want to antagonize these voters as well.
Yep. The media feeding frenzy may be overreaching. People have stopped listening, as 1%ers took main media channels over, and our worst enemies flood social media with crap. People are fed up with this. Biden just needs Dems to form behind him. But Dems go and wilt. Appalling.
Stay united. Stand behind him. Don’t add to the message, change it.