
I do think so, on the basis of abortion support, which is pretty much in the 55-60% range when actually measured by votes. 2 in 3 New Yorkers wanted congestion pricing. Majorities favor higher taxes on the wealthy. If you don’t see progressive majorities, it’s because they’re being suppressed.
Do you think over half the country actually cares about Project 2025? Do you think over half the country would really care about any issue that doesn't affect them
Even if we take out the "don't really care either way" option, the majority of the country wants incredibly restrictive abortion policies. Now, I think part of that is not knowing how long a trimester is, but saying "no abortions after 13 weeks" should be the story is going to lead to bad places
That is not true and becoming less true as people see what those policies do.
As of June 2024 only 35% of people want unrestricted abortion access. Even though this is the obviously correct stance by the standards being set these people should not be listened to
Where Do Americans Stand on Abortion? Most Americans favor abortion being legal to some degree, and a majority self-identify as "pro-choice."
But here's the thing, I'm also using weasel words here to define a majority, just like was done above. I can say 51% of people want abortions in "most" circumstances
Most people want abortion to be accessible on some terms. That’s enough to beat back the people who don’t want it on any terms. Of that group of people who want it available, a majority want it unrestricted. That’s the defining point of the consensus.
What I'm talking about is the people who voted for people who put in extreme restrictions and are now regretting it and jumping ship to vote for constitutional protections.