Kaitlin Has Had Enough

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Kaitlin Has Had Enough


I just say shit until something smart pops out. Columnist @ Dame Magazine, bylines @ The Cut, Harper’s Bazaar and more. Black, millennial, feminist, tired. Probably eating carbs. gothamgirlblue.com: has it all
As well-meaning publishers try to navigate the coming storm of state laws against diversity, I hope they'll consider Timothy Snyder's Rule #1 (from his slim book ON TYRANNY).
“People feel hopeless, and hopeless people give up easily and early in hard fights. What we need is inspiration. We need something to rally around. We need an agenda. And we need to believe that we are our own saviors.”
“We have given every grace we could afford — and many we could not — in an effort where our opposition yields nothing and takes everything.” A thought about what we should declare this July 4. For paid subscribers today; for all members next week. www.patreon.com/posts/107469...
July: Declaration | Kaitlin Byrd - GothamGirlBluewww.patreon.com Get more from Kaitlin Byrd - GothamGirlBlue on Patreon
Here's the thing: if you subscribe it's a gift you give yourself, too. Everybody wins. Win all around. But seriously, it's really good!
“We have given every grace we could afford — and many we could not — in an effort where our opposition yields nothing and takes everything.” A thought about what we should declare this July 4. For paid subscribers today; for all members next week. www.patreon.com/posts/107469...
July: Declaration | Kaitlin Byrd - GothamGirlBluewww.patreon.com Get more from Kaitlin Byrd - GothamGirlBlue on Patreon
Subscribe to my Patreon if you think I deserve nice things patreon.com/gothamgirlblue
I saw something that made me mad and then chose not to post a response to it someone should give me a gift for that
Get more from Kaitlin Byrd - GothamGirlBlue on Patreonpatreon.com making politics make sense
I saw something that made me mad and then chose not to post a response to it someone should give me a gift for that
On this July 4, please pause to remember that one of the colonists’ complaints in the Declaration was that the Crown was paying its judges.
As a little gift to myself I’m going to skip from December 1860 to July 1863 because I deserve to read the Confederate meltdown over the loss of Vicksburg and the retreat from Gettysburg, what today’s celebrations are truly about
Celebrating July 4 in the most American way possible: by getting stoned and watching Americans play in the British tennis tournament while reading Confederate newspapers
My sincere post today is that the full version of all of our major foundational documents should be taught from K-12 so no one who graduates high school enters adulthood without knowing how our government works
Happy Independence Day! This day seven years ago there was a minor controversy as Trump fans angrily denounced large portions of the Declaration of Independence because they thought it was anti-Trump propaganda. It was! We should have taken their response as a sign of how bad things were!
Celebrating July 4 in the most American way possible: by getting stoned and watching Americans play in the British tennis tournament while reading Confederate newspapers
I think we could all use a bit of pick-me-up right about now, so seeing as it's July 3rd, why don't we once again reflect on one of the greatest white supremacist self-owns in military history:
Happy Independence Day! This day seven years ago there was a minor controversy as Trump fans angrily denounced large portions of the Declaration of Independence because they thought it was anti-Trump propaganda. It was! We should have taken their response as a sign of how bad things were!
Just saw my first cybertruck in the wild and it is so large and so janky why
First Black/South Asian Senator from California, first Black/South Asian AG of California, only the fifth Black person elected to the Senate since Reconstruction—and she did all of it as a woman Sometimes I wonder if y’all have even the slightest idea how hard that is
It might be true that she didn’t have the greatest showing in 2019/2020, but it is almost certainly true that many of the people trying to ignore or diminish Kamala Harris never gave her a fair look
It might be true that she didn’t have the greatest showing in 2019/2020, but it is almost certainly true that many of the people trying to ignore or diminish Kamala Harris never gave her a fair look
I keep coming back to the passage of Washington's Farewell Address in which Roberts cloaked his bid for authoritarianism. Roberts took a passage warning against corruption, foreign influence, insurrection, and authoritarianism, & said, "sign me up!" www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/...
I could make this about any liberal project, any right or social equity, and it would read the same. We need affirmative politics, not the defensive justification that what previous generations did was enough
Desegregation is being unraveled. Separate but “equal” is being reestablished. We can be defensive, or we can step up and ask for more than the preservation of the status quo.
Desegregation is being unraveled. Separate but “equal” is being reestablished. We can be defensive, or we can step up and ask for more than the preservation of the status quo.
Following up that I mentioned 3 big political projects for the next 3 cycles (including this year) 2024: the ERA 2026: End the Electoral College 2028: Expand the House I’m ok with compressing them, if we can do it. But we need to pitch it, or it won’t work. www.patreon.com/posts/104795...
More than that, all of this needs to be affirmative, not defensive. Oregon and Minnesota are around 70% turnout for presidential elections. If you don’t get to that number in every county, the county is put under pre-clearance until it maintains it for 3 POTUS cycles. Also expand the House.
How to Fix a Problem Like U.S. | Kaitlin Byrd - GothamGirlBluewww.patreon.com Get more from Kaitlin Byrd - GothamGirlBlue on Patreon
More than that, all of this needs to be affirmative, not defensive. Oregon and Minnesota are around 70% turnout for presidential elections. If you don’t get to that number in every county, the county is put under pre-clearance until it maintains it for 3 POTUS cycles. Also expand the House.
really cannot emphasize enough how plainly all this proves that the first priority of the next Democratic administration needs to be democracy reform --filibuster --electoral college --court reform --dc and pr statehood --new voting rights act --gerrymandering
This wasn’t hindsight either. A lot of us argued at the time that they should be expelled. Then Joe Biden didn’t even mention it in his inaugural speech two weeks later. Not expulsion. Not the coup attempt itself. Just…nothing.
Back in late 2020 I advocated for expelling all the members of Congress who voted against certifying, then using the rump majorities you'd gain after to pass court reform (who'd ratify the legality of this maneuver). Radical proposal! but the alternatives of doing nothing were more radical
Mad that this argument against the Constitution is absolutely valid because John Roberts is a cowardly little fartknocker
Holy crap. While I was in a much needed temporary coma, y'all boosted this so hard there's only $367 of this ask left. This journey's been rough. I frequently feel like I'm hustling backwards. Thank you for helping me make my tiny corner of healthcare less brittle, less racist, and less punitive.
Hi again! I'm a Black SFFH writer who left pediatrics to retrain as a midwife because Dobbs is killing people and birth was already deadly for Black families. Fundraising since 2022 and 5 days left to raise the rest of my tuition - $1205 I haven't been able to cover with 5 PT jobs gofund.me/fa575291
Help Make Winifred a Midwife, organized by Aurelius Rainesgofund.me My desire to leave Norway is perhaps Twitter's best kept secret but the cat is out of the… Aurelius Raines needs your support for Help Make Winifred a Midwife
Happy Disability Pride Month.
Doing bare minimum accessible practices doesn’t make someone superior. Arguing against doing bare minimum accessible practices in bad faith and intentionally being inaccessible does make someone an asshole though.
I wrote this before the Imperial Court issued its diktats, but I could see what was coming. If we want January 6th recognized for the crime it is, if we want to punish the perpetrator of that crime, we need our best to make the case against him. www.damemagazine.com/2024/05/07/t...
"As [Harris] breaks down the weak defenses of the January 6th Insurrection, she can build upon her boss’s restraint, discipline, deference, and adherence to the rule of law—and, tacitly, her own."
The People v. Donald Trump | Dame Magazinewww.damemagazine.com There is a pathway for Democrats to maintain power: Treat the GOP presidential candidate like the criminal he is and bring the courtroom to the campaign.
"As [Harris] breaks down the weak defenses of the January 6th Insurrection, she can build upon her boss’s restraint, discipline, deference, and adherence to the rule of law—and, tacitly, her own."
If Harris is being asked to step up, I know exactly how to make her shine: "Without a proper and fair legal process to broadcast, Democrats must bring the courtroom to the campaign. Convert the nation into a jury and our ballots into verdicts." www.damemagazine.com/2024/05/07/t...
The People v. Donald Trump | Dame Magazinewww.damemagazine.com There is a pathway for Democrats to maintain power: Treat the GOP presidential candidate like the criminal he is and bring the courtroom to the campaign.
The only way to do it is to create an affirmative platform that is larger than the candidate so that she becomes an agent of a mission and not the foundation for an era of politics. Fuck, I'm gonna need to write a whole post for this, huh?
while i am at it, i don’t think it is necessarily true that a woman of color is predestined to lose a presidential election, but i think attempting it under these circumstances and in this time frame takes a bar that’s already higher than it has ever been and doubles it
Tired: Biden promising a resignation to calm concerns about his age Wired: Biden promising a resignation at the end of his term to stave off impeachment hearings over lying to Congress about his constant disregard of human rights law
Every time the AP diplomatic reporter asks the State Department spokesman or deputy spokesman whether or not enforcement of the Leahy laws is Biden administration policy they say that it is and then the reporter asks for evidence and the spokesmen fumble around for two minutes to make up an answer.