
If Biden drops out, there are two options: (1) the incumbent Vice President, who is already on the ballot; (2) someone else. (1) Has strong arguments for being the consensus candidate. Maybe they work and Dems rally. (2) Does not. Not any of them. Guaranteed chaos, infighting, and bitterness.
If the Democrats do push Biden out, I predict there will be no consensus on a replacement candidate, leading to infighting and, ultimately, a realization that the Democrats have a stable full of flawed candidates that cannot gather national support, particularly in a short time window.
Honestly their chance to drop Biden happened a while back, when he announced for second term. That's when they should've put a new candidate if they really wanted Biden to back out with minimal/no bad effects
At this point they're so far committed that all they can do is swap for Kamala or completely implode, and even the Kamala swap probably is still going to cost some votes solely from a swap