
This is so painfully true
recently, when video game execs have laid people off and shut down studios, they've announced plans to re-focus their reduced workforces' energies on franchises, often at the expense of new projects and series. we can't keep going like this
gonna be not having enough games for the consoles that people can't buy because everyone's out of work
Except that, under capitalism, literally the only thing that matters is quarterly profits being higher than last quarter. These companies are legally required to not think about years from now. Like, the executives can get sued, penalized,& thrown out if they think about years from now too much.
They can also have the same happen when they don't make money because they cancelled everything. Execs are being laughably short-sighted about things because unless they're thinking with their bonuses and not the company's longevity.
I don't follow. They're legally obligated to grow quarterly profit. Firing a huge chunk of their workforce last quarter was good and then closing a bunch of studios was good this quarter. My point is that capitalism (especially as it exists today) is wholly uncoupled from reality.
Laughably short sighted all the way to the bank.
A lot of my business and econ classes talked about irrational customers. Meanwhile these same people can't answer questions like: How do you sell games you don't make? How do people buy things with no money? How do you make something with no workers? (The answer being "who cares, I got payed")
I feel like this is also the longest into any PlayStation’s life I haven’t gotten the new one, because like u killed everything but GOW and Horizon? And the GOW ppl you exhausted so much they compressed 2&3 into one game? And the guy who spearheaded Horizon you couldn’t keep on past the first game?
To say nothing of all the indie studios and we should say infinite things about them
and nobody will learn any lessons from it because the stupid actions they took were what was optimal for that quarter's shareholder profits.
Maybe do they plan to make games with ChatGPT and Midjourney from now on?