Thalia Lemon

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Thalia Lemon

The handle is a misnomer, I actually draw for money.
Reposted byAvatar Thalia Lemon
I had to reactivate my Instagram because I keep being asked for an Instagram link to show I’m a serious artist
Wish instagram had the ability to download our posts easily so I could save all the stuff I have archived and repost it here without having to dig up the original files. :P
Accidentally went to a comedy show really drunk. I mean, I wasn’t accidentally drunk, but the comedy show was supposed to be amateur night, and it was accidentally a real comedy show, So I didn’t *need* to show up really drunk.
The blue room in progress.
Entering my Venetian frescoes era.
My mom came through town and sewed my pants for me and I swear there is nothing more comforting in the world than A parent who can fix things for you
Studying the masters is the best way to hone your craft.
Oh god I accidentally went “oh poor me” in a wheepy whiny voice next to a homeless man asking for change and frantically has to excuse myself because it was a part of a different conversation I was having while walking sir No Not you Oh god I’m sorry ooooooh
My parents didn’t get me diagnosed because even though they knew something was wrong with me, they thought “special treatment” would make me *think I’m special*. God help I should think I’m special and not just broken.
Neurodivergent Kids Flourish When They’re Taught How Their Brains When teachers and parents talk to kids about having ADHD, autism or learning disabilities, they set them up for success
Another day another waking up at 6am from nightmares about my own social ineptitude
Just reminding myself that I do things sometimes
Doing drugs and writing poetry to my dead friend Wait, What if he’s not dead and he texts me back? Could happen… …Happened twice before… Wherever you are, Ed, hold on, that gene editing shit is happening now, you just gotta hold on a little longer!!!!!!!!!
Tomorrow is my last day at Sony, my final pitch for this project, And I’m so stoked for the pitch But so bummed out that it’s over. 😭
This is probably my favorite thing I’ve ever drawn so of course it’s Sasha Colby.
I messaged someone who works at the same studio as me a stupid reference because I misunderstood their profile picture. They told me they don’t know me, and not to talk to them, And now I think I may have misjudged the serious nature of my profession.
Does anyone know a queer webcomic about like… particle physics or something? I’m looking for a comic I lost in the abyss, I don’t remember how it goes, but I think the main guy is like… a janitor from a trailer park, I think. And they make a machine that maybe opens a portal or something.
Cicada club forever.
A general reminder—periodic cicadas pose no threat to anyone and their plant damage is limited to nipping off the ends of twigs. Please do not hose them with pesticide. They are slow and clumsy and confused and only want to make friends with other cicadas and die of sexual exhaustion.
One of my coworkers gave me a compliment, he thought I was from LA because I’m so fashionable. He obviously didn’t know me between 2013 and 2023, because I wore the same outfit so consistently I used it to react on twitter.
I should change my handle to “drawsbecauseshecan’taffordtherapy”
Back here again, where I always seem to be when I’m not somewhere else.
I have a pitch in the same number of cumulative hours I’ve slept the past two days. :D
I love you, I hate you I share my art with you Because I also love and hate myself.
I’ve always been a total horse girl.
My cintiq arrived at the office after three weeks. Sweet relief! But half my crew got laid off, and I lost my job. What can you do?
Another cancelgram repost, A Sasha Colby from my grand collection of Sasha Colby’s.