
Of course it's the guardian so there's a dig at Nicola Sturgeon's "not being a mental transphobe agenda" and no mention that JC KC ex MP lost more votes than the members of the party who aren't, checks libel laws, not identified in some people's minds as a frothing TERF lunatic
Does this weird rabbit hole radicalisation actually do something to the brain? It's like her inner rage just squashes any reasonableness.
It's a crusade like any other, is my theory. All of these people genuinely believe they're waging a war on evil.
To clarify: they aren't, they're deranged.
I don't know how anyone can trust their judgement on any other subject if they're so irrational on this one hobbyhorse, like they can only view things in this mad context.
I mean Glinner literally lost his marriage over this obsessive batshit hate, and probably the only reason Joanne doesn't is because hubs shares a similarly deranged worldview. i hope they have many beautiful mutants together I wonder if her kid(s?) speak to her
yeah, they slip into what's essentially cult mentality, which among many other things includes an absolute black and white worldview.
Hates trans people so much that she helped ensure Scotland lost vital representation, slow claps everyone
I think there's a lot of blame-storming going on, but for her to blame Sturgeon is ludicrous. And I hope she never has a party role again. She can piss off to Alba, and Swinney needs to sit down with the Greens and repair the relationship. (1)
The Greens need to come to the party though, and not let Trans be used as a wedge. The Procurator Fiscal's Office has had 6 weeks to decide whether there is sufficient evidence to secure a conviction against Murrell, that needs putting to bed. (2)
The SNP need to be explicit about a Just Transition, come clean and say they oppose new drilling licenses, but it is out of their hands. For years they outflanked the Labour Party on the left, and they need to be explicit about that (3)
They need to take a harder stance against the overwhelmingly hostile media and fight back. There has been a complete media blackout of any achievements like the 1000 new & rebuilt schools. If the media is going to be unrelentingly negative then stop cooperating in them stabbing you.