Regular Non-Seasonal Steve Cartwright

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Regular Non-Seasonal Steve Cartwright

Winner: Scotland's Most Best Face

Official alternate universe music critic.
You fucking idiot. That’s Post Malone and Andy Samberg.
Which one is Neil Gaiman and which one is Terry Pratchett, I gotta know who we are done with
looks like Le Sword was mightier than Le Pen after all
BREAKING NEWS: Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which instead came in third in initial results as polling stations closed.
Projections in France's election show voters rejecting the far Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which ...
"And the cause of liberal democracy in Europe, which did NOT die..."
I can stand here atop my bing and see at least four different wind farms, one of which is Whitelee which I think was at one point the biggest onshore wind farm in Europe. (Various photos of green bits of Scotland, the occasional houses, and distant wind turbines)
Can't imagine there being a next time, there being many other equally accessible Munros, but if I climb Ben Chabhair again I'm going to go a couple miles out of my way on the WHW and the farm track on the map and avoid that brutal first stretch of path. That said, totally worth it. Great day.
Make a band more fish: The Smiths, but Morrissey has been replaced with a goldfish and everyone's relieved
Make a band more fish: Kneecarp
Whoever wins the Euros gets to keep Flanders. That’s generally how it works when this lot go at it.
Yo, dog, I heard you liked fish. This is a foolish pastime, an attempt to distract from the hollowness of life and the inevitability of eventual death by watching brightly coloured prisoners living constrained lives. They cannot love you. I did not put fish in your car. That would be ridiculous.
MTV, I am Werner Herzog and this is my crib. It is but temporary refuge from nature's fury. The walls were once trees. I made them traitors.
The interesting thing about that one for me is that the historic Labour defeat of 2019 happened on a vote share that was 8th best out of the last 12 elections, and the historic Labour victory of 2024 was achieved on a vote share 7th best of 12 FPTP is a crazy system...
Avatar i legit cannot get "you people are like disney adults" out of my head. it applies so fucking well
Happy 'STFU Terf' day to all who celebrate.
Mixed feelings watching the SNP get wiped out. On the one hand, fuck 'em for tearing up the Bute House Agreement and pivoting to Kate Forbesism. On the other hand I cannot emphasise enough that "Scottish" Labour are *terrible* and many SNP MPs are good. And then again, Joanna Cherry ha ha ha.
This is absolutely chilling. Because this is going to be the rudder that steers Labour. And it will steer it far right, with an enabling commentariat fanning the flames for clicks, as ever. #GE24 #C4BritainDecides #GeneralElection2024
You can't have a consensual relationship with an employee. Even if you're both into the idea in the moment, an ethical grown up person refrains from it in favour of fucking someone from the whole entire world of people who don't work for you or just not getting any for a bit, you'll cope
This is tactical voting I can believe in
if you live in Edinburgh SW vote Labour to get Joanna Cherry out. if you live in Canterbury vote Lib Dem to get Duffield out. the Alba twats are fucked anyway lol and so are most of the tories, also lol. here endeth.
Happy Looking from Pig to Man and Man to Pig Day
David Quantick does not matter; I have already spent too much time thinking about him (ie "any")
Labour made a calculation they could win a super majority by leaning all the way to the right. If they get a supermajority, it will be a mandate for this shift. If they do less well, they MIGHT "lean back". I suppose this level of tactical voting is beyond Red Team Class of 2016 Pol fans though.
According to Sky the Lib Dems have 'one last stunt' ready for the end of the campaign
According to Sky, the LibDems have ‘one last stunt’ ready for the end of the campaign.
Of all the things I cannot forgive Kier Starmer for, taking all of the joy out of watching the catastrophic meltdown of the Tory Party is, well, it's up there but it's not top three
Don’t forget your photo id tomorrow. Also your photo ego and photo superego.
one time my friend dan said, "my grandfather died of butt fever when he was 4 years old" and i said "if he died when he was 4, how are you here?" and he said "oh, i just live like, an hour away"
Has the SNP vote really collapsed as spectacularly as the polls suggest? If the SNP have no chance in this seat I'll vote Green to make them seem a better bet next time If the SNP have a slight chance I'll try to keep Scottish Labour out If the SNP have a good chance it's back to Green again