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#Green #Environment
Over on The Bad Place, white nationalism is part of the daily feed thanks to it's billionaire owner who regularly promotes this kind of garbage.
RNC night two is the replacement theory addition. So far, multiple Senate candidates have used their minutes on stage to promote the white nationalist replacement theory, which has inspired multiple deadly terrorist attacks and is a lie that actively threatens American democracy.
Reposted byAvatar ChrisInParis
It is comically irresponsible how the news media claims Trump is a "changed man" and "somber" and "serene" and "adopting a new tone"
No idea how people even afford to buy them or fill the tank over here. I don't see that many but a lot more than I did a few years ago. I stood in front of one of these pickups the other day and my head isn't much higher than the front grill.
‘Dangerous, Heavily Polluting’ U.S. Pickups Increase On European Sales of pickup trucks from the United States that are considered to be unsafe and environmentally unfriendly have grown in Europe.
Speaking of corruption, looks like the TdF is outdoing itself with beyond belief climbs. It's hilarious that some dimwits out there actually still believe in "uh, duhhh, it's the training and diet" because that's all been used for decades. It's the doping now, just as it's been in the past.
He's almost certainly lying about the amount to get attention but it will still be a substantial amount. Another good reason to leave The Bad Place. Also speaks volumes about the corruption of the US system where this is even possible. What a dumpster fire.
Elon Musk to Give $45 Million a Month to Pro-Trump Super Elon Musk is pledging to pour $45 million a month into a pro-Donald Trump political group, a move that would flood the Republican nominee’s reelection effort with cash through the November election.
Beautiful evening, when the mozzies aren't biting.
Another shout out to my new tennis racket/bug zapper. Seven mozzies knocked out in minutes.
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Reposted byAvatar ChrisInParis
#OTD 14 July 1789 Parisians stormed La Bastille prison and armory. This jump-started the Revolution as conservative nobles fled France while the French people formed their own civic organizations.
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We live in a very normal country where a kid who can't yet buy alcohol can legally own a semi-automatic long rifle and use it in an attempt to assassinate a public figure.
Another flashback from 10 months ago. Who knew it was hilarious to make jokes about someone almost being murdered? And his audience roared with laughter. Trump Mocks Hammer Attack On Pelosi’s Husband In Incendiary Speech
Trump Mocks Hammer Attack On Pelosi’s Husband In Incendiary The former president also called for retail thieves to be shot and said he’d use the DOJ to investigate “radical” local prosecutors.
Another grocery store run before the heat. The village in the hills off in the distance.
Facebook & Xitter will of course be the breeding grounds for the most batshit crazy conspiracy theories and it will be so unhinged. Not sure what it will take to shut that garbage down but social media is going to make it all so much worse.
Let's all be surprised when the ammosexuals start a shooting spree against their perceived enemies, all while being encouraged to fight by their cult leader.
Gosh, apparently the US has a gun violence issue. Who knew? I guess the one party who have spent billions of dollars and decades fighting against gun control can now be counted on changing their position. Right?
Honestly don't know why people hate change so much. May not be my taste but modernising an old place makes sense and it's there place, so why not? Couple inherited an old apartment in Italy. They renovated it — only to be told they should have left it alone.
Millennials who inherited old Italy home criticized for modernizing A young couple was told they "destroyed" their Rome apartment because they decided to modernize it rather than preserve every detail.
Stopped briefly along cat alley this morning while running down for the bus. Lots of new faces.
My purchase of the season is definitely the tennis racket that fries mozzies. It's simple but provides so much pleasure, including a spark.
While cycling around Gigondas, someone told me to check out Suzette and it is tiny but well worth the ride. Beautiful views looking towards the Ventoux as well.
84 ( Vaucluse) Le petit village de Suzette avec vue sur les dentelles de Montmirail 1970
Had to drop off a shipment down in Monaco so did some grocery shopping as well. (Prices at the Carrefour are the same as in France...still expensive. 🙃) Always glad to leave the place. It has no character and is not my cup of tea.
Gosh what shocking news. Nobody should be surprised that it's become a cesspit of white nationalism and right wing conspiracy theories. Birds of a feather... Musk donates to group working to elect Trump, Bloomberg reports
Musk donates to group working to elect Trump, Bloomberg Billionaire Elon Musk has donated to a political group working to elect former U.S. President Donald Trump, Bloomberg reported on Friday, citing sources.
Someone is changing their turf.
Reposted byAvatar ChrisInParis
Very moody skies this morning.
TBF most (all?) intelligence agencies can never get enough of hard right policies so it's not a surprise. They're always behind dirty tricks to discredit anyone who doesn't hold their generally batshit crazy beliefs. Look what/who emerged out of the Soviet Union.
Brazil’s spy agency accused of illegally targeting Bolsonaro’s Five arrested in investigation of claims Abin monitored and harassed top public figures and politicians
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Reposted byAvatar ChrisInParis
A great deal of the intel being shared w/Europe these days on RU sabotage seems to come from US visibility. Maybe Ireland can turn itself into an intel powerhouse, with the SV transplants. [I kid. Sort of.]
Donald Trump is considering a reduction in intelligence sharing with members of NATO, which depends on the US for the type of information that has helped Ukraine fend off Russia, according to foreign officials informed of the plans.
Trump considering cutting back intel sharing with Europe, officials European officials say they rely on U.S. intelligence to help fend off Russian aggression on their own soil.
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Anyone know how to override all these cheap rate relays etc so I can get hot water on all the time? The LED screen on the “timer control” is dead. French electrics installed by a British electrician!