
It's the EGO of these geriatric fucks that gets me. Biden, RBG, Feinstein, all of em. and the entire establishment knows it but no Dem wants to go on the record and say hey, it's time for the Cryptkeeper to retire
they will now, and I only hope Joe agrees and becomes the 'bridge' president he claimed to be. He can set the narrative easily by announcing his retirement, admitting that Father Time caught up faster than he expected, name and support a new Dem ticket, and step away. I hope and believe he will.
what makes you think this will happen?
Because he said he was a 'bridge' president, and because he's a man of integrity.. and because he just showed the world that time has caught him and from here it only gets worse. He was incapable of making a case for his highly successful admin. We all saw it. He knows it... but will hubris stop it?
Biden is not a man of integrity...
Look at it this way kids, DICTATOR OR DEMOCRACY.....
Make no mistake I'm still voting for Biden. F Trump.
Of course, that obvious. If he's the nominee, all blue will vote for him. But we can't deny what we saw, time has caught up to Joe like it catches us all. It's in Joe's hands, as he controls the nomination. I personally hope to thank Joe and vote for Newsom Harris. bt that's just me. Hubris is ugly.
Yes it is, and the only question is can Biden, knowing that the world saw what we all saw, deliver. Until yesterday and for the past 3 years I've expected this to be a gigantic blue wave election. I no longer am at all sure of that. It's in Biden's hands, he controls the nomination. Time will tell.
There'll be no sugar coating last night's disaster from this quarter so let's remember, the man at the top chooses the actual people that run the machine. We saw what happened when the former guy had the reigns for four years. We pulled out of that ditch once, it'll be impossible to do it twice.
totally agree. If he's the nominee, of course he's got my vote. I hope he's not.
We're about to find out one way or the other.
Biden has never been a man of integrity.
The plagiarist geriatric who supports a genocide and was besties with all the segregationist Dems who pushed the crime Bill and said Israelis should kill more women and children during the Lebanon war is a man of integrity? Can I have whatever hopium you're snorting?
So I'd take it that you'll be supporting, as am I, Biden stepping back and backing a new Dem ticket? That's good news.
I mean, this should have happened before the primary season. I'm not sure the outcome can be changed at this point, but yes, he should claim he has health issues or something and step down and literally have Kamala be president until the election. Electable or mo, she has a pulse.