
It's the EGO of these geriatric fucks that gets me. Biden, RBG, Feinstein, all of em. and the entire establishment knows it but no Dem wants to go on the record and say hey, it's time for the Cryptkeeper to retire
Biden does not need to drop out of the race now. He needed to drop out a year ago. Nobody in the caucus has the courage to speak the very plain truth. They'd rather lose 2024 than to risk the wrath of Blue MAGA and fuck their own career down the road
In a few years GenZers will star attempting to implement "maximum age" laws. Watch GenXers fight them using the same arguments Boomers use.
These laws will eventually be re-framed as "limited re-election" laws. If your first term you're within limits but your potential second isn't, then you'd be barred from even running.
México had a full on civil war cos re-election (plus lots of American involvement pre-CIA) One re-elected term is fine. 30 years of re-election into your congressional position? Nah. Your interns will get you the good coke to wake you up in the morning at that point.
Don't Millenials already out number GenXers in Office? If not it has to be pretty close and will only get more so as Boomers die out
GenXers have 30 years of being ignored. Time enough to have a li'l bank going, plus access to cheap property via parents.
the property transfer from Boomer to GenX isn't nearly as valuable as people think, and it will be even more concentrated than it already is As a body of candidates or as a voter block GenX will inherit little power in comparison Yet another way GenX let themselves get fucked over by Boomers
Oh yah, the transfer of economy across generations will be minimal, most of it is already being captured by corporations (themselves with GenXers and millennials at the helm). But the _culture_ transfer. GenXers will finally speak up and it'll be a mess.
Biden needed to not run in the last election either, imo
This is true but I think the noise you see on NYT and MSNBC, etc. Them safely inching towards them wanting to replace Biden. Even Morning Joe broke up with Biden yesterday. But its still up to Biden if he wants to drop out.
And after a loss blue MAGA will blame the left and minorities for not "voting hard enough" just like they did in 2016.
Because it will mean that 2/3 of them will be out of a job
We’re back in the “being a leftist means everyone is mad at you for being right before it was considered appropriate” zone
Obama was also more focused on his own elections than others. didn't build up the party. it's wild the Biden Stan's refuse to look at any examples of this going wrong
Obama's last election was nearly 12 years ago. The party has had plenty of time to build a bench
"we don't need to build a bench, those nice republicans told us they'd buy us one"
"we like republicans buying is things. That means corporations are strong"
no I agree with you. I'm saying Obamas ego was bad when he was in office just like the ppl you mentioned hurt the Dems. I. just extending the analogy
it's really galling for them to say we won't allow any dissension, this is the most important election of our lifetimes and run back Biden. like just depending upon trump to be a worse candidate has a 50% success rate. I really hate the Dems. out of touch losers
it’s not even the elderly person’s ego. They’re mentally beyond that kind of ego. The problem is everyone around them who props them up and refuses to have any hard conversations.
I disagree. Even Feinstein had plenty of advanced warning when she knew she should have retired. RBG certainly did.
are you a Feinstein family member or staffer? she was already too far gone. can’t say anything about RBG, she had mental clarity
they will now, and I only hope Joe agrees and becomes the 'bridge' president he claimed to be. He can set the narrative easily by announcing his retirement, admitting that Father Time caught up faster than he expected, name and support a new Dem ticket, and step away. I hope and believe he will.
what makes you think this will happen?
Because he said he was a 'bridge' president, and because he's a man of integrity.. and because he just showed the world that time has caught him and from here it only gets worse. He was incapable of making a case for his highly successful admin. We all saw it. He knows it... but will hubris stop it?
Biden is not a man of integrity...
Look at it this way kids, DICTATOR OR DEMOCRACY.....
Make no mistake I'm still voting for Biden. F Trump.
Yes it is, and the only question is can Biden, knowing that the world saw what we all saw, deliver. Until yesterday and for the past 3 years I've expected this to be a gigantic blue wave election. I no longer am at all sure of that. It's in Biden's hands, he controls the nomination. Time will tell.
We're about to find out one way or the other.
Biden has never been a man of integrity.
The plagiarist geriatric who supports a genocide and was besties with all the segregationist Dems who pushed the crime Bill and said Israelis should kill more women and children during the Lebanon war is a man of integrity? Can I have whatever hopium you're snorting?
So I'd take it that you'll be supporting, as am I, Biden stepping back and backing a new Dem ticket? That's good news.
I mean, this should have happened before the primary season. I'm not sure the outcome can be changed at this point, but yes, he should claim he has health issues or something and step down and literally have Kamala be president until the election. Electable or mo, she has a pulse.
You forgot the biggest geriatric fuck — Trump.