
Another datapoint for your consideration, and — we don't use hashtags and actively discourage their use with our Trusted Contributors. Furthermore, we won't use them in the future if and when they are implemented. The relevant section of our Guide with link.
The BluFly 🛩️ Guide | In a word, don't. As in don't use them. Write well — you'll be discovered soon enough.
This isn't strictly accurate: "they do nothing to aid in the discoverability of your post. This is really what hashtags were originally intended to do way back when on that other platform." They were meant to help people each other, especially who attended the same IRL events.
Groups for Twitter; or A Proposal for Twitter Tag This is the post that I alluded to in my last one about Whispering Tweets. I'll make a disclaimer right now that the title of this post is misleading and actually not about Groups for Twitter. In fact...