Chris Warshaw

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Chris Warshaw

Professor of Political Science at George Washington University. Focus on representation, elections, & public opinion. Co-author of ‘Dynamic Democracy’
Here's a neat plot from an early stage project with Devin Caughey and Seth Hill. The correlation between states' policy liberalism and an index of their societal outcomes was .8 in 2021.
Hey PoliSci friends - does anyone have the last few years of the State of the State addresses in a tidy dataset? I'd like to use it for a Methods problem set.
Hey state politics friends -- what do you think are the most important NEW state policies adopted over the past few years? I wanted to add them to our updated state policy liberalism index. See:
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New book is available! The Invented State: Policy Misperceptions in the American Public My blurb:
Our paper introducing the "American Local Government Elections Database" is online at Scientific Data. The data includes 78,000 candidates in 57,000 electoral contests in races for seven distinct local political offices in most medium and large cities and counties over the last three decades.
American local government elections database - Scientific Scientific Data - American local government elections database
Lots of discussion on how economy will affect 2024 election. Evidence indicates that election year economy matters a lot (esp. real wage growth), but the economy this year prob. doesn't matter much. So a lot depends on what happens next year! See this figure from my paper w/
Reposted byAvatar Chris Warshaw
Let's imagine a unit (e.g., a state) adapts a suite of binary policies (let's say, different labor policies). I'd like to learn the *average* impact of these policies on an outcome (let's say, unionization rates or average wages), and whether the average impact is significant.
Is there historical data on gas prices by state or locality? Would be neat to see how local variation in gas prices affects presidential approval and/or elections. Maybe there's already a paper on this?
Thanks so much to Matt for having me on the #ScienceOfPolitics podcast to talk about democracy in the American states. It was fun talking about my book "Dynamic Democracy" (w/ & connecting our work with's amazing book on state legislatures.
Anyone know of a good recap of the 2022 midterms suitable for undergraduates in an elections class? I looked on 538 and didn't find anything. Thanks!
End of feed.