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Disabled Vegan Total Liberationist. Demiro Asexual. mid 20s. They/She. Love LOTR, TES, BG3, The Witcher, Dragon Age and Metal. From US
Secretly being against taxidermy and recommending the faux versions in goth spaces. I get replies like "that's not taxidermy then" GOOD
I have 1 friend from middle school on my tik tok. I wonder how much of my reposts she sees.
Reposted byAvatar Aiwendil
The idea that banning masks will stop harassment is ridiculous. Asian people have been harassed and attacked for wearing masks by people who were unmasked. It's not the masks. Banning masks does nothing to address the fundamental issues behind hate.
Someone needs to bring me a giant bag of vegan sunflower butter cups
I'm going to go to bed at 6pm altho I will have to get up to turn Elli's light off. I got 4.5 hours of sleep last night. I deserve to sleep even earlier than usual
Reposted byAvatar Aiwendil
i definitely remember scenarios lol. ive been in hundreds. sidewalk etc. i know what to do in them
Reposted byAvatar Aiwendil
"The pandemic is over" You know, it's really weird then that people are still getting COVID infections on a regular basis and are still dying from COVID infections and disabled people still can't go outside safely and that the World Health Organization says we're still in a pandemic and- (1/208)
Reposted byAvatar Aiwendil
I'm really looking forward to Jack Black's next music project where he will make such bangers as, Obey authority, Up with the Status Quo, violence is bad unless except for genocide /s
Going to eat dinner at like 3:30 bc idk if I'll have the energy for it after. I want instant noodles with fried soy curls
Thinking too much and I'm very sad now
Had to wake up the tortoise to get her to eat and she is chowing down.
Reposted byAvatar Aiwendil
Can a computer literate prsn/nerd help me? My lvl of computer literacy is "Boomer." But I want to buy a laptop that can do indie game development, n vid n audio (esp music) editing? Also use it for entertainment. What's good? 2 days til ☿️R pre-shadow period n sale ends tmrrw so wanna know ASAP?
I might start posting tik toks about disability and chronic illness
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm a (ace) lesbian with a thought i just had lmfao. It's not surprising.
Slept 4.5 hours last night and struggling. Barely can get out of bed and can't nap again (body won't let me for whatever reason)
No thoughts only Mac n cheese
Played the "is it mold or blueberry" today with my blueberry muffins and it was mold
Reposted byAvatar Aiwendil
Please boost for a solid comrade and his kitty!!
Reposted byAvatar Aiwendil
It’s great to see Olympians and Tour de France cyclists are now wearing masks, but it says a lot that society is more invested in protecting famous athletes than people who are sick in hospitals, where there are no mask requirements these days.
People talk about their curfews as teens and I never had one. I think my parents just felt bad for me and were happy I had a friend at the time after not having one for a long time.
I feel like my age is the cusp of oldest Gen z and youngest millennial. Like I'm in between. I grew up with a lot of millennial experiences and relate when they talk about growing up but also some of the experiences Gen z talks about.
I took a 20 or so minute nap b4 my shower. I didn't mean to, it just happened
Added 2 things (1 temporary and 1 permanent) to my after shower routine and my rigid autistic routine brain doesn't know how to handle it. Also, my face lotion is in a different container bc I got a bigger size.
Indiana was nailed by storms last night but I was spared from the worst of it. Everything looks normal outside this morning.
Reposted byAvatar Aiwendil
We’re all trapped in a clown car hurtling towards disaster, metaphorically. And also literally, for a few unlucky clowns
I hate anxiety do much. I briefly woke up, had an anxious thought, and now can't sleep
Ate a lot of Mac n cheese today
Wearing long pajama pants so I don't scratch my mosquito bites and end up with open wounds
Reposted byAvatar Aiwendil
"I despise you. I despise your order; your laws; your force-propped authority."
My parents won a 70" TV and it doesn't fit on ANY of their walls and it barely fit in their car. Told my dad it'd fit on mine but just barely 👀 (theyre not going to give me a big ass TV)