
TIL I learned about Colobopis explodens (yes, that’s really their name) ants If attacked, they bite the predator, angle their bottoms towards it, and explode. The exploding ant dies, but releases a toxic, spicy-scented yellow substance which also kills the predator, protecting the colony
Even more interestingly, having poked around a bit in the literature, it looks like two major components of the yellow goo are: E-2-ethyl-2-hexen-1-ol 4-hydroxymellein And neither of these have been found in insects before (Melleins are toxic compounds typically produced by moulds)
How the FUCK are we six Alien movies deep, eight if you count the AvPs, and we haven't seen a Xenomorph do this yet?
A xenomorph specialized in clearing other infestations by detonating itself, sending that acid blood everywhere. Yeah, we should have a scene of this already,
That WOULD be cool. Prologue: arrive at another planet, kabloooeee. All clear. Later on: "Oh my god SHE'S GONNA BLOW!"