Dr Kat Day (she/her)

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Dr Kat Day (she/her)


Science & Fiction editor/writer. Chemistry PhD ⚛️ Writer: The Crash Course Organic Chemistry 🧪 Assistant Editor PseudoPod 🦑 Big Discworld fan 🐢 Short fiction https://thefictionphial.wordpress.com 🖊️
School of Rock has just finished on Film 4 and, ahhh, that’s such a great movie
News out of France today and England earlier is demonstrating that most people, it turns out, aren't very into fascism. Which is a comforting thought.
Sounds good
Aquarius: You will win the power ball! Not the lottery, the magical artifact that men kill over.
It’s very interesting which people are leaping to the defence of the subject of current discourse, and which people are keeping their heads firmly down. If, in 6–12 months’ time, everyone is cheering again about all the lovely money they’re making, I’m going to find that VERY hard to overlook.
This July would be a great time to submit something to Kaleidotrope. Because after July, the zine will be closed again until October. kaleidotrope.net/guidelines/
I once spent a summer reviewing accounts of dust fires (in paper mills and such) all around the world and, here’s the thing, once you’ve read multiple accounts of people being killed and horribly injured in perfectly preventable accidents, you DO start to think, hey, maybe rules are good, actually
People act like OSHA is this gang of fun-haters who make up stupid rules to make their jobs annoying. Literally every single regulation OSHA has ever written was in response to someone getting maimed; usually killed, but sometimes merely losing a limb or two. Occasionally breathing corrosive gas.
Yes, all right, no need to attack me like this, Sir Terry Pratchett 😆 “‘The funny thing is, of course, that officially there is no such thing as a white horse. They’re called grey.’¹”
'Sometimes things don't go, after all, from bad to worse' Thinking a lot about this poem today.
The caterpillars are starting to head for the lid of the cup. This is the first step to forming chrysalids, although there are several days to go yet #ButterfliesForBluesky
The caterpillars are already getting big (and it looks a bit scuzzy in there!But they'll be fine) #ButterfliesForBluesky
We offer 10 cents per word, FYI.
Got talking with @newedgeswordmag.bsky.social about the eternal quest for sustainable pay rates. Realized I was describing a chart, so I scraped some stuff from @diabolicalplots.com Submission Grinder and figured I'd share. This represents SEVERAL ecosystems and no value judgments are implied.
Sleep 8 hours a night? In this economy?
“We’re going to use your content to train our systems. Don’t worry though, you still own it, honest!”
I’m on my second community event of the day, and have also been watching an outdoor child-related activity, and I am very cold now. It’s July, you say?
Every good artist spent years and years and years creating content they weren’t paid for. That’s how they got good.
“if money was abolished would you still make content?” is the most insane AI bullshit i have ever heard in my life i was making art and drawing way before i was making money for it how fucking corrupt are these pieces of shit? money is barely part of the equation. its only there cause i NEED IT
This is exactly the problem with social media: some people are playing a completely different game
I understand that this site essentially gamifies your daily thoughts, but you need to conceive of that game as like a carnival diversion or at best a phone puzzle game. If you conceive of it like a dramatic RPG or a fighting game, you’re gonna be soooooo annoying
“The people of Vulture City are calling him the Angel of Death.” Three Nights With the Angel of Death, by Emily Ruth Verona Narrator: Kevin M. Hayes Host: Alasdair Stuart Audio: Chelsea Davis This story was originally published in ALONG HARROWED TRAILS in July 2023 pseudopod.org/2024/07/05/p...
PseudoPod 927: Three Nights With the Angel of Deathpseudopod.org Arizona, 1884—Day One The people of Vulture City are calling him the Angel of Death. But that makes no difference to us. There’s a one-thousand-dollar reward on him, and that kind of money never comes...
WELP I can't jump the paywall to see what it says (I used to be subscribed but I let that one lapse, haha), but I'm told New Scientist says THE SIEGE OF BURNING GRASS is one of 2024's best science fiction books so far! 😍 www.newscientist.com/article/mg26...
The best science fiction books of 2024 so farwww.newscientist.com From a quantum-bubble reality show from Peng Shepherd to a murderous valet bot from Adrian Tchaikovsky, enjoy this year's best science fiction so far if you're heading off on your travels, says Emily ...
Excuse me, untapped is a word but untap isn’t? How am I supposed to fix this problem I have here with all of this jarred potential I have lying around. Unjar isn’t a word either.
At long last, I have finished this piece for Augs on bsky of her character named Monty. Her design is beautifully peculiar, and I couldn't hold back my imagination cx
Nigel Farage says he's politically revolting, which might be the only true thing he's ever said.
Bats around the castle tower I've focused lots on #bats this week because of my PhD student's brilliant thesis and found lots IRL around #TyresöSlott Inspiration for #dailydrawing #ArtDD2024 #Watercolour #swift (on top of the spire)
C/W for graphic descriptions of sexual assault. There are a lot of “oh the whole thing is really sketchy actually” posts, particularly on other social media sites, some from people who SHOULD KNOW BETTER, and I hate it.
Guys, the podcast is available on Spotify/Apple Podcasts, and as infuriating as it is that Tortoise funnels you into their fucking podcast instead of providing the information clearly via text, you should listen to the nanny's first-hand account before being like "TERFs be lying."
So it looks like we are actually getting the dreaded “technocratic” government 👻 Attorney General with long experience in domestic and international public law Housing secretary who actually lived in social housing Science minister who studied Geography as a mature student 😱
No wait the Telegraph wrote “free reign” in a (sub) HEADLINE?
‘There have been times, lately, when I dearly wished that I could change the past. Well, I can’t, but I can change the present, so that when it becomes the past it will turn out to be a past worth having.’ — I Shall Wear Midnight, by Terry Pratchett #Discworld