
Yes, all right, no need to attack me like this, Sir Terry Pratchett 😆 “‘The funny thing is, of course, that officially there is no such thing as a white horse. They’re called grey.’¹”
Feel like the water torture folk missed a gap in the market here when they could have been decorating rooms in a way that’s just slightly off centre. It’s always misuse of words that gets to me. Such as “it was there choice” or the equally detestable “we was” ohhhh how I cringe!
Ignore the accidental link, I have NO idea how my hand did that!
Oh that’s a Bluesky thing. If you somehow miss a space after a full stop it parses it as a link
Ohhh! I never knew that. 😮 thanks, I’ll try to avoid it happening 😊
I literally received a customer service email the other day containing, “I’m not sure how you and your husband was…” 😖 I know I should be forgiving and tolerant and so forth but… ngghhhh
Ooooh that is bad. 😣 My own major stumbling block in English lessons was lengthy sentences. Perhaps I should have studied law and become a judge! I got better and dabbling in writing fic and then reading it back to myself to know where to put stops and commas helped a bit. ☺️
Yeah. I mean, I get it, but also, when you're customer-facing, I just think... turn on your grammar checker at least?
Fair! I am in customer services and we do have them although it appears it was either deliberately overruled or turned off for the email you received! 🤦🏻‍♀️
Thanks for the morning laugh. There are SO many outstanding authors in this world that it is impossible to read them all. Sir Terry Pritchett has ALWAYS been in my periphery however I have never had the pleasure. Your post changes everything. Sometimes, all it takes is one nibble.
Oh brilliant! This is from the second book in the Tiffany Aching series, which may not be the perfect starting point. However it sounds as though you appreciate witch humour, so perhaps Equal Rites, or Wyrd Sisters.
Thank you Dr Day! As it so happens, I have a ghost/witch in my current WIP. It's an MG hybrid illustrated/graphic novel. It's mostly written and partly edited but I'm anticipating at least 200 illustrations so let me get back at it. Here's a concept doodle.
Ooh that’s fabulous! I love her!