
Paging . I love these crossovers between tech world and other worlds (in this case politic) where they go "wtf is that shit and why would I want that?" If you follow the stock market, this is as glaring a signal as a cab driver suggesting tech stock in the late 90s.
Absolutely perfect that google search barely works anymore, but the homepage added a "create theme with AI" button. The fuck would I do that for
Or my neighbor telling me to buy up homes on adjustable rate mortgages in 2007
Side note: Never listen to cab drivers about anything. Ever.
"If you follow the stock market, this is as glaring a signal as a cab driver suggesting tech stock in the late 90s." True story. In the late 90s there was a leak in the ceiling of our apartment. When the drywall guys were there to repair the damaged ceiling, I overheard them talking about stocks.