Chuck Grassley's goat

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Chuck Grassley's goat

Won the Nobel price of love 1922.
Avatar this sounds like someone you'd want to follow.
i was thinking i could make a collection of these (graphic design IS my passion (actually i’ve worked on some really successful visual design for covid awareness etc, millions & millions of views & got into higher offices) i need help with the research tho if anyone wants to team up??
Happy Birthday America. Quite possibly the last one. As a gift, this old issue of Captain America, from back then when we punched nazis in the face instead of electing them president.
Please for the love of God Biden end the slaughter in Gaza so I can go canvas in Michigan
New CBS poll: "Nationwide, Republicans are more likely than Democrats to say they will definitely turn out in 2024. And Republicans currently have a similarly sized turnout advantage across the battleground states, undergirding Trump's edge with likely voters there."
Trump gets edge over Biden nationally and across battlegrounds after debate as Democrats' turnout in question — CBS News Following debate, age factors in, and race shifts in Trump's direction after the first 2024 presidential debate.
Harris/Alito 2024. You laugh, but VP is essentially not a job, and then we automatically get one vacancy in the SC.
VICE-PRESIDENT ANDREW CUOMO. Now that you've seen this, go wash your eyes with bleach.
We need an old white guy somewhere on that ticket. I don't know who fit the bill better than this guy. Harris/Walz 2024.
Come on Dark Brandon.
Seems obvious to me. I mean, there would be a lot of drone strikes, but this one should be first. It's ok, we got plenty of drones idle in their hangars right now.
Google search for "How to move to Canada" are about to explode again.
I, for one, am looking forward to tonight's debate where we'll hear in-depth discussions on policies from two politicians we don't really know much about.
Was super down about Bowman losing against blue George Santos, this makes me a little more happy.
Reminded of this every day 😮‍💨
Re-upping this. Vote Evan Hutchison in NY10. Vote Jamaal Bowman in NY16.
I don't know who here live in NY-10 (Brooklyn), but Evan Hutchison seems like the guy to vote for. Probably a lost cause, but no way I'm gonna vote for fucking Dan Goldman.
Paging . I love these crossovers between tech world and other worlds (in this case politic) where they go "wtf is that shit and why would I want that?" If you follow the stock market, this is as glaring a signal as a cab driver suggesting tech stock in the late 90s.
Absolutely perfect that google search barely works anymore, but the homepage added a "create theme with AI" button. The fuck would I do that for
I can't shake how George Latimer's comment about "ethnic benefits" is fucked up. That guy is really bad and if he's elected he'll be the worse DEM representative in the house, even accounting for Henry Cuellar.
christian zionists, deputized by right-wing jews, beating up left-wing jews for not being zionist
Pro-Israel counter-protesters at UCLA previously took part in anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-vaccine events across Southern California. Some of the pro-Israel counter protesters are also associated with local Proud Boy and Three Percenter militia chapters and fundamentalist Christian churches.
Why far-right groups are disrupting US campus protests: ‘When there’s so much attention, they show up’ Gaza counter-protesters at UCLA took part in anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-vaccine events across southern California, researchers say
LOL, got a 7 days twitmo sentence for telling Kathy Hochul to step on a Lego everyday.
A real good guy this Latimer. Consistent about primarying incumbents. Funny thing about running DEM: Nobody cares that he openly cheats on his wife. Neither do I. But I don't get that nobody cares that he gave his mistress a 6 figures job paid out of our tax dollars. Nepotism I do care about.
We start a guns and bump stocks company. Hand over free samples to all the neighbors of SC justices.
gonna buy infowars with all the profits from these bump stocks
Raz Segal, an Israeli and a world renowned scholar of genocide, has had his offer letter to become the head of the University of Minnesota's head of their Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies rescinded because he believes Israel is committing genocide in Gaza.
University of Minnesota rescinds offer to academic who alleged Israel was committing ‘genocide’ Raz Segal had been tapped to head the public university’s Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies
Thank you, big-pharma lobbyists.
The Supreme Court unanimously THROWS OUT anti-abortion activists' lawsuit against mifepristone, the first drug in medication abortion, holding that the plaintiffs never had standing to bring this case in the first place. An embarrassment for the 5th Circuit.
I don't believe one bit in either Clinton's popularity, but I must remind everyone that Carter is still eligible for one term.
That was batcrap insane and follow Marisa to learn all about it.
A caller asked Latimer about a comment he made comparing the treatment of former Gov. Cuomo to the lynching on Emmett Till. The caller said she was a Black constituent. It’s hard to summarize his response. Will try to get a transcript. It was absolutely deranged. This guy is dangerous.
help celebrate my first wedding anniversary by getting a subscription to the handbasket!!!!
I recently moderated a discussion between religion scholars Seth Sanders and Shaul Magid about the idiocy of saying antizionism=antisemitism, and how antizionism actually has legitimate Jewish historical roots. The virtual audience deeply appreciated it, as did I. You can watch it in full here:
More Kosher Than You More Kosher Than You Think, a Roundtable Discussion on Anti-Zionism, hosted by Religion Dispatches As the death toll in Gaza continues to climb, thousands of Jews…
This meme is bang-on, but I can't explain it. Someone please give me a good ALT text for this.
I'm gonna start calling Kathy Hochul "Cuomo's handpicked successor" and never stop until she leaves politic. May his name stain her too forever.